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A System Dynamics Modeling Framework for Forecasting the Diffusion of IoT-Enabling Technologies
IEEE Communications Magazine ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-06 , DOI: 10.1109/mcom.002.2400115
Nikolaos Kanellos, Dimitrios Katsianis, Dimitrios Varoutas

As the telecommunications landscape evolves with rapid technological advancements, forecasting the diffusion of emerging technologies is imperative for strategic planning and decision-making. This article presents a comprehensive system dynamics modeling framework designed for forecasting the diffusion of IoT-enabling technologies. The framework's versatility is demonstrated through an example case study focusing on the diffusion of 5G-IoT technology in the smart home market.


用于预测 IoT 支持技术扩散的系统动力学建模框架

随着电信领域的快速发展,预测新兴技术的传播对于战略规划和决策至关重要。本文提出了一个全面的系统动力学建模框架,旨在预测 IoT 支持技术的传播。该框架的多功能性通过一个示例案例研究得到了证明,该案例研究侧重于 5G-IoT 技术在智能家居市场的传播。