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TB or not TB: does AI have an answer for children?
European Respiratory Journal ( IF 16.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-07
Creswell, J., Byrne, R. L., Garg, T.


In 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued recommendations for the use of artificial intelligence (AI), affirming the technology could be used instead of human readers for the interpretation of chest radiograph (CXR) images for the screening and triage of tuberculosis (TB), marking a historic precedent for a guideline on AI in health [1]. The forward-looking guidance highlights the utility of CXR in TB, despite past reluctance from WHO to use it in TB programmes [2]. Employing CXR in a diagnostic algorithm can identify people with subclinical TB who are asymptomatic but have lung pathology suggestive of TB, and refer them for testing and diagnosis [3].




2021 年,世界卫生组织 (WHO) 发布了使用人工智能 (AI) 的建议,确认该技术可以代替人类读者来解释胸片 (CXR) 图像,以筛查和分诊结核病 (TB),这标志着人工智能健康指南的历史先例 [1]。前瞻性指南强调了 CXR 在结核病中的效用,尽管 WHO 过去不愿意在结核病规划中使用 CXR [2]。在诊断流程中采用 CXR 可以识别无症状但肺部病变提示 TB 的亚临床 TB 患者,并将其转诊进行检测和诊断 [3]。
