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Hydrodynamic and temperature profile analysis in a gas-solid fluidized bed with liquid atomization to convert fructose to value-added chemicals
Chemical Engineering Science ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2024.120857
Zahra Khani, Joshua Brinkerhoff, Gregory S. Patience

Carbohydrates specified C6 sugars dehydrate to produce platform chemicals like 5-hydroxymethyl furfural and furfural that further oxidize to chemicals 2,5-diformyl furan and 2,5-furan dicarboxylic acid. Here we propose a gas-phase in which a two-fluid nozzle atomizes a 0:1 ▪ fructose in water solution into a fluidized bed of Mo–V–▪/▪. However, the imperfect interaction between droplet and catalyst increases the agglomeration, which destroys the heat transfer efficiency and hydrodynamic stability. We evaluated the temperature and gas residence time distribution in catalytic bed to improve reaction and process performance by modifying the bed temperature, bed height, and gas velocity. A high mass of catalyst (>▪) degrades fructose and reduces the selectivity. At ▪ temperature distributes homogeneously within bed and with time on process it shifts toward higher values. Velocity in the range of ▪ to ▪ yields product with the highest selectivity (16%). These results demonstrate the potential of optimizing gas-phase catalytic processes to improve the selective production of platform chemicals from carbohydrates, supporting more sustainable chemical manufacturing.



碳水化合物指定的 C6 糖脱水以产生平台化学物质,如 5-羟甲基糠醛和糠醛,这些化学物质会进一步氧化成化学物质 2,5-二甲酰呋喃和 2,5-呋喃二羧酸。在这里,我们提出了一个气相,其中双流体喷嘴将水溶液中 0:1 ▪ 的果糖雾化到 Mo-V–▪/▪的流化床中。然而,液滴与催化剂之间的不完美相互作用增加了团聚,从而破坏了传热效率和流体动力学稳定性。我们评估了催化床中的温度和气体停留时间分布,通过改变床层温度、床层高度和气体速度来改善反应和工艺性能。高质量的催化剂 (>▪) 会降解果糖并降低选择性。在▪温度下,柱床内均匀分布,随着时间的推移,它会向更高的值移动。到 范围内的▪ ▪速度可产生具有最高选择性 (16%) 的产物。这些结果表明,优化气相催化过程以改善从碳水化合物中选择性生产平台化学品的潜力,从而支持更可持续的化学生产。