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Deliberation in online political talk: exploring interactivity, diversity, rationality, and incivility in the public spheres surrounding news vs. satire
Journal of Communication ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-05 , DOI: 10.1093/joc/jqae038
Mark Boukes

Political satire is often believed to enrich the public sphere in ways distinct from traditional journalism. This study examines whether deliberative qualities of online political talk in response to satire differ from those in response to regular news or partisan news. The analysis focuses on four normative standards: interactivity, diversity, rationality, and civility. A manual content analysis of YouTube comments (n = 2,447) reveals that the public sphere surrounding political satire shows a notable strength: Less incivility, both in terms of impoliteness and intolerance. Surprisingly, aside from this, satire’s public sphere did not differ much from that of regular news. Comments on partisan news were more opinionated and ideologically diverse. These findings suggest that online political talk prompted by satire is not inferior to that of traditional news. Additionally, this study highlights how the presence of different normative standards is often interconnected.



政治讽刺通常被认为以不同于传统新闻的方式丰富了公共领域。本研究考察了在线政治谈话对讽刺的审慎性是否与对常规新闻或党派新闻的审慎性不同。分析侧重于四个规范标准:交互性、多样性、合理性和文明。对 YouTube 评论的手动内容分析 (n = 2,447) 显示,围绕政治讽刺的公共领域显示出一个显着的优势:不文明行为较少,无论是在不礼貌还是不容忍方面。令人惊讶的是,除此之外,讽刺的公共领域与常规新闻并没有太大区别。对党派新闻的评论更加固执己见,意识形态也更加多样化。这些发现表明,由讽刺引发的在线政治讨论并不逊色于传统新闻。此外,本研究强调了不同规范性标准的存在通常是相互关联的。