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Phys. Rev. D
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Stealth dark matter spectrum using Laplacian Heaviside smearing and irreducible representations
Physical Review D ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-05 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevd.110.095001 R. C. Brower, C. Culver, K. K. Cushman, G. T. Fleming, A. Hasenfratz, D. Howarth, J. Ingoldby, X. Y. Jin, G. D. Kribs, A. S. Meyer, E. T. Neil, J. C. Osborn, E. Owen, S. Park, C. Rebbi, E. Rinaldi, D. Schaich, P. Vranas, E. Weinberg, O. Witzel (Lattice Strong Dynamics (LSD) Collaboration)
Physical Review D ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-05 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevd.110.095001 R. C. Brower, C. Culver, K. K. Cushman, G. T. Fleming, A. Hasenfratz, D. Howarth, J. Ingoldby, X. Y. Jin, G. D. Kribs, A. S. Meyer, E. T. Neil, J. C. Osborn, E. Owen, S. Park, C. Rebbi, E. Rinaldi, D. Schaich, P. Vranas, E. Weinberg, O. Witzel (Lattice Strong Dynamics (LSD) Collaboration)
We present nonperturbative lattice calculations in the quenched approximation of the low-lying meson and baryon spectrum of the SU(4) gauge theory with fundamental fermion constituents. This theory is one instance of stealth dark matter, a class of strongly coupled theories, where the lowest mass stable baryon is the dark matter candidate. This work constitutes the first milestone in the program to study stealth dark matter self-interactions. Here, we focus on reducing excited state contamination in the single-baryon channel by applying the Laplacian Heaviside method, as well as projecting our baryon operators onto the irreducible representations of the octahedral group. We compare our resulting spectrum to previous work involving Gaussian smeared nonprojected operators and find good agreement with reduced statistical uncertainties. We also present the spectrum of the low-lying odd-parity baryons for the first time.
使用 Laplacian Heaviside 拖尾和不可约表示的隐形暗物质光谱
我们提出了 SU(4) 规范理论的低位介子和重子谱与基本费米子成分的淬火近似中的非扰动晶格计算。该理论是隐形暗物质的一个例子,隐形暗物质是一类强耦合理论,其中质量最低的稳定重子是暗物质的候选者。这项工作构成了研究隐形暗物质自我相互作用的计划的第一个里程碑。在这里,我们专注于通过应用 Laplacian Heaviside 方法减少单重子通道中的激发态污染,并将我们的重子算子投影到八面体群的不可约表示上。我们将得到的频谱与以前涉及高斯拖尾非投影算子的工作进行了比较,发现与减少的统计不确定性有很好的一致性。我们还首次展示了低洼奇偶重子的光谱。

使用 Laplacian Heaviside 拖尾和不可约表示的隐形暗物质光谱
我们提出了 SU(4) 规范理论的低位介子和重子谱与基本费米子成分的淬火近似中的非扰动晶格计算。该理论是隐形暗物质的一个例子,隐形暗物质是一类强耦合理论,其中质量最低的稳定重子是暗物质的候选者。这项工作构成了研究隐形暗物质自我相互作用的计划的第一个里程碑。在这里,我们专注于通过应用 Laplacian Heaviside 方法减少单重子通道中的激发态污染,并将我们的重子算子投影到八面体群的不可约表示上。我们将得到的频谱与以前涉及高斯拖尾非投影算子的工作进行了比较,发现与减少的统计不确定性有很好的一致性。我们还首次展示了低洼奇偶重子的光谱。