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Colossal magnetoresistance and Fermi surface topology in the layered Zintl-phase compound YbAl2Si2
Physical Review B ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-05 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.110.174408
Fang Tang, Yang Chen, Xunqing Yin, Weiyao Zhao, Lei Zhang, Zhida Han, Renkui Zheng, Xiaoming Zhang, Yong Fang

Considerable attention has been devoted to CaAl2Si2-type Zintl-phase compounds for their intriguing physical properties, particularly the complex interplay between band structures and magnetism. Herein we grow high-quality single crystals of nonmagnetic YbAl2Si2 and examine the physical properties, including resistivity, magnetoresistance, angular magnetoresistance, Hall resistivity, and band structures. This compound shows metallic properties and Fermi-liquid behaviors. Its resistivity under magnetic fields increases as per Kohler rule, with normalized magnetoresistance curves merging into one, ruling out potential metal-insulator-like transitions. Colossal magnetoresistance is observed at low temperatures. Hall resistivity analysis categorizes this compound as an uncompensated semimetal. Its angle dependence of the magnetoresistance and quantum oscillation frequencies demonstrate an anisotropy ratio of ∼1.26 for the Fermi surface. Theoretical calculations corroborate these findings, mapping Fermi surfaces with three hole pockets and an electron pocket. Considering both the experimental and theoretical results, the colossal and angle-dependent magnetoresistance may be ascribed to unequal carrier densities coupled with large differences in carrier mobilities and Fermi-surface anisotropy, respectively. These results imply YbAl2Si2 is a promising candidate to study the crucial effect of electronic properties on its charge transport.


层状锌相化合物 YbAl2Si2 中的巨大磁阻和费米表面拓扑

CaAl2Si2 型 Zintl 相化合物因其有趣的物理性质而受到了相当大的关注,尤其是能带结构和磁性之间复杂的相互作用。在这里,我们生长了高质量的非磁性 YbAl2Si2 单晶,并检查了物理性质,包括电阻率、磁阻、角磁阻、霍尔电阻率和能带结构。这种化合物显示出金属特性和费米液体行为。根据科勒规则,它在磁场下的电阻率增加,归一化磁阻曲线合并为一条,排除了潜在的金属绝缘体状转变。在低温下观察到巨大的磁阻。霍尔电阻率分析将此化合物归类为未补偿的半金属。它对磁阻和量子振荡频率的角度依赖性表明,费米表面的各向异性比为 ∼1.26。理论计算证实了这些发现,将费米表面映射到三个空穴和一个电子袋。考虑到实验和理论结果,巨大的磁阻和与角度相关的磁阻可以分别归因于不相等的载流子密度以及载流子迁移率和费米表面各向异性的巨大差异。这些结果表明 YbAl2Si2 是研究电子特性对其电荷传输的关键影响的有前途的候选者。