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Excited state relaxation mechanisms of paracetamol and acetanilide
Journal of Computational Chemistry ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-04 , DOI: 10.1002/jcc.27521
Danillo Valverde, Roiney Beal, Paulo Fernando Bruno Gonçalves, Antonio Carlos Borin

The photochemical pathways of acetanilide and paracetamol were investigated using the XMS-CASPT2 quantum chemical method and the cc-pVDZ (correlation consistent polarized valence double-ζ) basis set. In both compounds, the bright state is the second excited state, designated as a 1(ππ*La) state. Through a detailed exploration of the potential energy profile and the conical intersection structure between the 1(ππ*La) and ground states, we gained a better understanding of how cleavage might occur in both molecules upon photoexcitation. Other potential relaxation mechanisms, including crossings with the dark 1(nπ*) and 1(ππ*La) states, are also discussed in detail.



使用 XMS-CASPT2 量子化学方法和 cc-pVDZ (相关一致极化价双- ζ ) 基集研究乙酰苯胺和扑热息痛的光化学途径。在这两种化合物中,亮态是第二激发态,指定为 1(ππ* L a ) 态。通过详细探索势能分布以及 1(ππ* L a ) 和基态之间的圆锥形交会结构,我们更好地了解了光激发时两个分子如何发生裂解。还详细讨论了其他可能的弛豫机制,包括与暗 1(nπ*) 态和 1(ππ* L a ) 态的交叉。