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New Constraints on Axion-Mediated Spin Interactions Using Magnetic Amplification
Physical Review Letters ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-04 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.133.191801
Haowen Su, Min Jiang, Yuanhong Wang, Ying Huang, Xiang Kang, Wei Ji, Xinhua Peng, Dmitry Budker

Axions are highly motivated hypothetical particles beyond the standard model that can be dark matter candidates and address the strong 𝐶𝑃 problem. Here we search for axion-mediated interactions generated between two separated 129Xe gas ensembles, monitoring and polarizing the 129Xe nuclear spins through spin-exchange interactions with Rb vapor. Our method exploits the magnetic amplification through effective fields from Rb-Xe collisions, increasing the sensitivity for axion-mediated interactions by up to 145-fold relative to conventional methods. Moreover, we employ template filtering to extract exotic interactions with a maximum signal-to-noise ratio. By combining two techniques, axion-mediated interactions are constrained to be less than 105 of normal magnetic interactions on a length scale of 60 mm. We establish new constraints on the neutron-neutron pseudoscalar couplings for a mass range that expands into the well-motivated “axion window” (10μeV1 meV), improving previous constraints by up to 50-fold within it and 118-fold outside it. We further discuss promising applications in searches for other axion-nucleon interactions, including axion dark matter and black hole axion bursts with sensitivity well beyond astrophysical limits by several orders of magnitude.



轴子是超出标准模型的高度激励的假设粒子,可以成为暗物质候选者并解决强 CP 问题。在这里,我们搜索两个分离的 129Xe 气体集合之间产生的轴子介导的相互作用,通过与 Rb 蒸气的自旋交换相互作用来监测和极化 129Xe 核自旋。我们的方法利用了 Rb-Xe 碰撞有效场的磁放大,相对于传统方法,将轴子介导的相互作用的灵敏度提高了 145 倍。此外,我们采用模板过滤来提取具有最大信噪比的奇异相互作用。通过结合两种技术,轴子介导的相互作用被限制在 60 mm 长度尺度上小于正常磁相互作用的 10−5。我们在中子-中子伪标量耦合上建立了新的约束,其质量范围扩展到良好的“轴子窗口”(10μeV–1meV),将之前的约束提高了 50 倍,将外部提高了 118 倍。我们进一步讨论了在搜索其他轴子-核子相互作用方面的有前途的应用,包括轴子暗物质和黑洞轴子爆发,其灵敏度远远超出了天体物理学的极限几个数量级。