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Effects of dialysate potassium concentration of 3.0 mmol/l with sodium zirconium cyclosilicate on dialysis-free days versus dialysate potassium concentration of 2.0 mmol/l alone on rates of cardiac arrhythmias in hemodialysis patients with hyperkalemia
Kidney International ( IF 14.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.kint.2024.10.010
David M. Charytan, Wolfgang C. Winkelmayer, Christopher B. Granger, John P. Middleton, Charles A. Herzog, Glenn M. Chertow, James M. Eudicone, Jeremy D. Whitson, James A. Tumlin, ADAPT Investigators

The optimal approach towards managing serum potassium (sK+) and hemodialysate potassium concentrations is uncertain. To study this, adults receiving hemodialysis for three months or more with hyperkalemia (pre-dialysis sK+ 5.1–6.5 mmol/l) had cardiac monitors implanted and were randomized to either eight weeks of 2.0 mmol/l potassium/1.25 mmol/l calcium dialysate without sodium zirconium cyclosilicate (SZC) (2.0 potassium/noSZC) or 3.0 mmol/l potassium/1.25 mmol/l calcium dialysate combined with SZC (3.0 potassium/SZC) on non-dialysis days to maintain pre-dialysis sK+ 4.0–5.5 mmol/l, followed by treatment crossover for another eight weeks. The primary outcome was the rate of adjudicated atrial fibrillation (AF) episodes of at least 2 minutes duration. Secondary outcomes included clinically significant arrhythmias (bradycardia, ventricular tachycardia, and/or asystole) and the proportion of sK+ measurements within an optimal window of 4.0–5.5 mmol/l. Among 88 participants (mean age: 57.1 years; 51% male; mean pre-dialysis sK+: 5.5 mmol/l) with 25.5 person-years of follow-up, 296 AF episodes were detected in nine patients. The unadjusted AF rate was lower with 3.0 potassium/SZC versus 2.0 potassium/noSZC; 9.7 vs. 13.4/person-year (modeled rate ratio 0.52; 95% confidence interval 0.41–0.65). Clinically significant arrhythmias were reduced with 3.0 potassium/SZC vs. 2.0 potassium/noSZC (6.8 vs. 10.2/person-year modeled rate ratio 0.47; 0.38; 0.58). Fewer sK+ measurements outside the optimal window occurred with 3.0 potassium/SZC (modeled odds ratio: 0.27; 0.12–0.35). Hypokalemia was less frequent (33 vs. 58 patients) with 3.0 potassium/SZC compared with 2.0 potassium/noSZC. Thus, in patients with hyperkalemia on maintenance hemodialysis, a combination of hemodialysate potassium 3.0 mmol/l and SZC on non-hemodialysis days reduced the rates of AF, other clinically significant arrhythmias, and post-dialysis hypokalemia compared with hemodialysate potassium 2.0/noSZC.


3.0 mmol/l 透析液钾浓度与单独使用环硅酸锆钠透析液浓度 2.0 mmol/l 对高钾血症血液透析患者心律失常发生率的影响

管理血清钾 (sK+) 和血液透析液钾浓度的最佳方法尚不确定。为了研究这一点,接受血液透析三个月或更长时间的高钾血症(透析前 sK+ 5.1-6.5 mmol/l)的成年人植入了心脏监护仪,并被随机分配到 8 周的 2.0 mmol/l 钾/1.25 mmol/l 钙透析液,不含环硅酸锆钠 (SZC) (2.0 钾/noSZC) 或 3.0 mmol/l 钾/1.25 mmol/l 钙透析液联合 SZC(3.0 钾/SZC),以维持透析前 sK+ 4.0-5.5 mmol/l, 随后再进行 8 周的治疗交叉。主要结局是经判定的心房颤动 (AF) 发作持续时间至少 2 分钟的发生率。次要结局包括有临床意义的心律失常(心动过缓、室性心动过速和/或心脏停搏)和 4.0-5.5 mmol/l 最佳窗口内 sK+ 测量值的比例。在 88 名参与者 (平均年龄: 57.1 岁;51% 为男性;平均透析前 sK+: 5.5 mmol/l) 和 25.5 人年的随访中,在 9 名患者中检测到 296 次 AF 发作。3.0 钾/SZC 的未调整 AF 率低于 2.0 钾/noSZC;9.7 vs. 13.4/人年(模型比率 0.52;95% 置信区间 0.41-0.65)。3.0 钾/SZC 与 2.0 钾/noSZC 相比,临床显着心律失常减少 (6.8 vs. 10.2/人年模型比率 0.47;0.38;0.58)。3.0 钾/SZC 时,最佳窗口外的 sK+ 测量值较少(建模比值比:0.27;0.12-0.35)。与 2.0 钾/noSZC 相比,3.0 钾/SZC 的低钾血症发生率较低 (33 例对 58 例患者)。 因此,在接受维持性血液透析的高钾血症患者中,与血液透析液钾 2.0/noSZC 相比,在非血液透析日血液透析液钾 3.0 mmol/l 和 SZC 的组合降低了 AF、其他临床显着心律失常和透析后低钾血症的发生率。