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Correction to Lancet Psychiatry 2024; 11: 910–33
The Lancet Psychiatry ( IF 30.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-04 , DOI: 10.1016/s2215-0366(24)00371-7

Pinchuk I, Leventhal B L, Ladyk-Bryzghalova A, et al. The Lancet Psychiatry Commission on mental health in Ukraine. Lancet Psychiatry 2024; 11: 910–33—In this Commission, the affiliation for author Marisa Casanova Dias MD MSc is incorrect. The correct affiliation is National Centre for Mental Health, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK. This correction has been made to the online version as of Nov 4.


对柳叶刀精神病学 2024 年的更正;11: 910–33

Pinchuk I、Leventhal BL、Ladyk-Bryzghalova A 等人。柳叶刀精神病学委员会关于乌克兰心理健康。柳叶刀精神病学 2024;11:910-33—在本委员会中,作者 Marisa Casanova Dias MD MSc 的隶属关系不正确。正确的隶属单位是 National Centre for Mental Health, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK。截至 11 月 4 日,已对在线版本进行了此更正。