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Superconductivity in Ternary Mg4Pd7As6
Advanced Electronic Materials ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-03 , DOI: 10.1002/aelm.202400284
Hanna Świątek, Sylwia Gutowska, Michał J. Winiarski, Bartlomiej Wiendlocha, Tomasz Klimczuk

The synthesis and characterization of a new compound Mg4Pd7As6, which is found to be a superconductor with Tc = 5.45 K is reported. Powder X-ray diffraction confirms the U4Re7Si6 structure (space group Im-3m, no. 229) with the lattice parameter a = 8.2572(1) Å. Magnetization, specific heat, and electrical resistivity measurements indicate that it is a moderate-coupling (λ = 0.72) type-II superconductor. The electronic and phonon structures are calculated, highlighting the importance of antibonding Pd–As interactions in determining the properties of this material. The calculated electron–phonon coupling parameter λ = 0.76 agrees very well with the experimental finding, which confirms the conventional pairing mechanism in Mg4Pd7As6.


三元 Mg4Pd7As6 中的超导性

报道了一种新化合物 Mg 4 Pd 7 As 6 的合成和表征,该化合物被发现是 T c = 5.45 K 的超导体。粉末 X 射线衍射证实了 U 4 Re 7 Si 6 结构(空间群 Im-3m,编号 229),晶格参数 a = 8.2572(1) Å。磁化强度、比热和电阻率测量表明,它是一种中等耦合 (λ = 0.72) 的 II 型超导体。计算了电子和声子结构,突出了反键 Pd-As 相互作用在确定该材料性能方面的重要性。计算出的电子-声子耦合参数 λ = 0.76 与实验结果非常吻合,这证实了 Mg 4 Pd 7 As 6 中的常规配对机制。