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Gauge Theory Bootstrap
Physical Review Letters ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-04 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.133.191601
Yifei He, Martin Kruczenski

We propose the gauge theory bootstrap, a method to compute the pion S matrix that describes the low-energy physics of the strong interaction and other similar gauge theories. The phase shifts of the S0, P1, and S2 waves obtained are in good agreement with experimental results. The only numerical inputs are the quark mass mq, the QCD scale ΛQCD, the pion mass mπ, and the pion decay constant fπ without any other experimental data. We make use of the form-factor bootstrap recently proposed by Karateev, Kuhn, and Penedones together with a finite energy version of the Shifman-Veinshtein-Zakharov sum rules. Published by the American Physical Society 2024


 规范理论 Bootstrap

我们提出了规范论 bootstrap,一种计算 π S 矩阵的方法,它描述了强相互作用的低能物理学和其他类似的规范理论。获得的 S0 、 P1 和 S2 波的相移与实验结果非常吻合。唯一的数字输入是夸克质量 mq、QCD 标度 ΛQCD、π 质量 mπ 和 π 衰变常数 fπ,没有任何其他实验数据。我们利用了 Karateev、Kuhn 和 Penedones 最近提出的形状因子引导法以及 Shifman-Veinshtein-Zakharov 和规则的有限能量版本。美国物理学会 2024 年出版