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Noise-Like Pulse Seeded Supercontinuum Generation: An In-Depth Review For High-Energy Flat Broadband Sources
Laser & Photonics Reviews ( IF 9.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-04 , DOI: 10.1002/lpor.202400511
Amala Jose, Sourav Das Chowdhury, Sudharsan Balasubramanian, Katarzyna Krupa, Zhiqiang Wang, B. N. Upadhyay, Philippe Grelu, Nithyanandan Kanagaraj

As the need for compact, cost-effective, and reliable laser sources continues to rise, fiber lasers have gained widespread interest in science and technology. In recent years, passively mode-locked fiber lasers (PMLFLs) have emerged as pivotal tools for generating ultrashort pulses, propelling advancements across various domains including communication, manufacturing, medicine, defense, and security. Amongst the various types of lasing states supported by a PMFL, the emphasis in this review is on the noise-like pulses (NLP) and their potential applications in supercontinuum generation (SCG). Interestingly, the quasi-stationary operation of the NLP envelope containing numerous chaotic sub-pulses has facilitated relatively high energy and broad bandwidth compared to standard mode-locked laser pulses. Moreover, the NLP generation goes beyond a specific cavity arrangement, the nature of mode-locking or cavity dispersion. Therefore, through this review, the foremost aim is to report the differences in NLPs across various experimental settings reported so far and highlight the strategies beneficial for high-energy and broadband NLP development directly from a fiber oscillator. Secondly, the application of NLP as a seed laser is examined to stimulate SCG in different types of fibers, underlining the improved supercontinuum characteristics over the conventional ultrashort pulse pumping schemes. Finally, the benefit of NLP-seeded SCG for various bio-medical and industrial applications are highlighted, thanks to the broader and flatter continuum achievable through compact experimental settings.



随着对紧凑、经济高效且可靠的激光源的需求不断上升,光纤激光器在科学和技术中引起了广泛兴趣。近年来,无源锁模光纤激光器 (PMLFL) 已成为产生超短脉冲的关键工具,推动了通信、制造、医学、国防和安全等各个领域的进步。在 PMFL 支持的各种类型的激光状态中,本文的重点是类噪声脉冲 (NLP) 及其在超连续谱生成 (SCG) 中的潜在应用。有趣的是,与标准锁模激光脉冲相比,包含许多混沌子脉冲的 NLP 包络的准稳态操作有助于实现相对较高的能量和宽带宽。此外,NLP 的生成超越了特定的腔体布置、锁模或腔体色散的性质。因此,通过这篇综述,首要目标是报告迄今为止报道的各种实验环境中 NLP 的差异,并直接从光纤振荡器强调有利于高能量和宽带 NLP 开发的策略。其次,研究了 NLP 作为种子激光器在不同类型的光纤中刺激 SCG 的应用,强调了与传统超短脉冲泵浦方案相比改进的超连续谱特性。最后,由于通过紧凑的实验设置可以实现更广泛和更平坦的连续体,因此强调了 NLP 种子 SCG 对各种生物医学和工业应用的好处。