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DyNamic Interactive Anticipation–Time for a Paradigmatic Shift
Sports Medicine ( IF 9.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s40279-024-02135-9
Rouwen Cañal-Bruland, David L. Mann

Everyday human interactions require observers to anticipate the actions of others (e.g., when walking past another in a corridor or choosing where to hit a ground stroke in tennis). Yet, experimental paradigms that aim to examine anticipation continue to use simplistic designs that are not interactive and therefore fail to account for the real-life, social nature of these interactions. Here we propose a fundamental, paradigmatic shift toward a “dynamic interactive anticipation” paradigm that models real-life interactions. We propose that it will change the way behavioral experimentalists study anticipation and spark theory development by unravelling the mechanisms underlying anticipation in real-time interactions.


DyNamic Interactive Precipation——范式转变的时机

日常的人际互动需要观察者预测他人的行为(例如,在走廊中经过另一个人时或在网球中选择击球的位置时)。然而,旨在检验预期的实验范式继续使用非互动的简单设计,因此无法解释这些互动的现实生活和社会性质。在这里,我们提出了一个根本的范式转变,即向 “动态互动预期 ”范式的转变,该范式对现实生活中的交互进行建模。我们提出,它将通过揭示实时交互中预期的潜在机制来改变行为实验者研究预期和激发理论发展的方式。
