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Do Patients of Different Levels of Affluence Receive Different Care for Pediatric Osteosarcomas? One Institution's Experience.
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-30 , DOI: 10.1097/corr.0000000000003299
David Kell, Daniel Yang, Juliana Lee, Kevin Orellana, Sarah Wetzl, Alexandre Arkader

The published reports examining socioeconomic factors and their relationship to osteosarcoma presentation and treatment suggest an association between lower socioeconomic status and a worse response to chemotherapy and lower survivorship. However, the driving factors behind these disparities are unclear. The Child Opportunity Index was developed by diversitydatakids.org ( https://www.diversitydatakids.org/ ) in 2014 to cumulatively quantify social determinants of health in an index specifically tailored toward a pediatric population and organized by census tract. The Childhood Opportunity Index can be used to explore the relationship between a patient's socioeconomic background and disparities in osteosarcoma presentation, treatment, and outcomes.



已发表的调查社会经济因素及其与骨肉瘤表现和治疗关系的报告表明,较低的社会经济地位与对化疗的反应较差和生存率较低之间存在关联。然而,这些差异背后的驱动因素尚不清楚。儿童机会指数由 diversitydatakids.org ( https://www.diversitydatakids.org/ ) 于 2014 年开发,用于在专门针对儿科人群量身定制的指数中累积量化健康的社会决定因素,并按人口普查区组织。儿童机会指数可用于探索患者的社会经济背景与骨肉瘤表现、治疗和结果差异之间的关系。