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The Impact of Media Violence, Narcissism and Sex on Reactive and Proactive Aggression in Adolescents: A One-Year Follow-Up Study
Journal of Youth and Adolescence ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s10964-024-02106-3
Sophie L. Kjærvik, Nicholas D. Thomson, Kostas A. Fanti

While the impact of violent media on aggression is well established, less is known about how individual differences influence this relationship over time. This longitudinal study addresses that gap by examining whether narcissism and sex moderated the effect of violent media consumption and reactive and proactive aggression one year later. A sample of 2,284 adolescents from Cyprus (Mage = 16, SDage = 0.89, 49.5% female) participated in this study. Hierarchical regressions, controlling for baseline levels of aggression and age, revealed distinct patterns: violent media and sex predicted reactive aggression, but narcissism did not. In contrast, violent media, sex, and narcissism all predicted proactive aggression. Notably, sex moderated the link between violent media and reactive aggression, with females showing a steeper increase than males. Both sex and narcissism moderated the violent media-proactive aggression association, with males being affected regardless of narcissism, while only highly narcissistic females showed an increase in proactive aggression. These findings show the importance of considering individual differences, such as sex and narcissism, to better understand how violent media influences different functions of aggression.



虽然暴力媒体对攻击性的影响已得到充分证实,但关于个体差异如何随着时间的推移影响这种关系,人们知之甚少。这项纵向研究通过检查自恋和性是否调节了一年后暴力媒体消费和反应性和主动攻击的影响来解决这一差距。来自塞浦路斯的 2,284 名青少年样本 (M年龄 = 16,SD 年龄 = 0.89,49.5% 为女性) 参与了这项研究。控制攻击性基线水平和年龄的分层回归揭示了不同的模式:暴力媒体和性预测了反应性攻击,但自恋则没有。相比之下,暴力媒体、性和自恋都预示着主动攻击。值得注意的是,性调节了暴力媒体与反应性攻击之间的联系,女性比男性增长得更陡峭。性和自恋都调节了暴力媒体与主动攻击关联,无论自恋如何,男性都会受到影响,而只有高度自恋的女性表现出主动攻击的增加。这些发现表明考虑个体差异(例如性和自恋)的重要性,以更好地了解暴力媒体如何影响攻击的不同功能。
