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Non-Hermitian Sensing in the Absence of Exceptional Points
Physical Review Letters ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-28 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.133.180801
Lei Xiao, Yaoming Chu, Quan Lin, Haiqing Lin, Wei Yi, Jianming Cai, Peng Xue

Open systems possess unique potentials in high-precision sensing, yet the majority of previous studies rely on the spectral singularities known as “exceptional points.” Here, we theoretically propose and experimentally demonstrate universal non-Hermitian sensing in the absence of exceptional points. The scheme makes use of the intrinsic sensitivity of a non-Hermitian probe to weak external fields, which can be understood as the direct consequence of non-Hermiticity. We confirm the basic mechanism by simulating the sensor-field dynamics using photon interferometry, and, as a concrete example, demonstrate the enhanced sensing of signals encoded in the setting angle of a wave plate. While the sensitivity of the probe is ultimately limited by the measurement noise, we find the non-Hermitian sensor showing superior performance under background noises that cannot be suppressed through repetitive measurements. Our experiment opens the avenue of enhanced sensing without exceptional points, complementing existing efforts aimed at harnessing the unique features of open systems.


