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Compact Vital-Sensing Band with Uninterrupted Power Supply for Core Body Temperature and Pulse Rate Monitoring
ACS Sensors ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-01 , DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.4c01456 Salman Khan, Jiyong Kim, Tae-Uk Kang, Gimin Park, Sungbin Lee, Jin-Woo Park, Woochul Kim
ACS Sensors ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-01 , DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.4c01456 Salman Khan, Jiyong Kim, Tae-Uk Kang, Gimin Park, Sungbin Lee, Jin-Woo Park, Woochul Kim
Although wearable devices for continuous monitoring of vital signs have undergone significant advancements, their need for frequent recharging precludes continuous operation, potentially leading to adverse outcomes being overlooked. Additionally, the scattered locations of the sensors hamper wearability. Herein, we present a compact vital-sensing band with uninterrupted power supply designed for continuous monitoring of core body temperature (CBT) and pulse rate. The band─which comprises two sensors, a power source (i.e., a flexible thermoelectric generator (TEG) and a battery), and a flexible circuit─is worn on the forearm. The CBT is calculated by measuring the skin temperature and heat flux, while a triboelectric nanogenerator-based self-powered pressure sensor is utilized for pulse rate monitoring. The TEG is a flexible unit that converts body heat into electricity, accumulating a total energy of 314 mJ (100%). Out of this total energy, only 43.2 mJ (7.2%) is utilized for CBT measurements, while the remaining 270.80 mJ (92.8%) is stored in the battery. This enables reliable and continuous operation of the vital-sensing band, highlighting its potential for use in healthcare applications.
尽管用于持续监测生命体征的可穿戴设备已经取得了重大进步,但它们对频繁充电的需求使连续运行无法继续运行,这可能会导致不良后果被忽视。此外,传感器的分散位置会影响耐磨性。在此,我们推出了一款具有不间断电源的紧凑型生命体征感应手环,旨在持续监测核心体温 (CBT) 和脉搏率。该手环由两个传感器、一个电源(即柔性热电发电机 (TEG) 和一个电池)和一个柔性电路组成,佩戴在前臂上。CBT 是通过测量皮肤温度和热通量来计算的,而基于摩擦纳米发电机的自供电压力传感器用于脉搏率监测。TEG 是一个灵活的装置,可将人体热量转化为电能,累积总能量为 314 mJ (100%)。在这些总能量中,只有 43.2 mJ (7.2%) 用于 CBT 测量,而剩余的 270.80 mJ (92.8%) 存储在电池中。这使得生命体征传感频段能够可靠和连续地运行,突出了其在医疗保健应用中的潜力。
尽管用于持续监测生命体征的可穿戴设备已经取得了重大进步,但它们对频繁充电的需求使连续运行无法继续运行,这可能会导致不良后果被忽视。此外,传感器的分散位置会影响耐磨性。在此,我们推出了一款具有不间断电源的紧凑型生命体征感应手环,旨在持续监测核心体温 (CBT) 和脉搏率。该手环由两个传感器、一个电源(即柔性热电发电机 (TEG) 和一个电池)和一个柔性电路组成,佩戴在前臂上。CBT 是通过测量皮肤温度和热通量来计算的,而基于摩擦纳米发电机的自供电压力传感器用于脉搏率监测。TEG 是一个灵活的装置,可将人体热量转化为电能,累积总能量为 314 mJ (100%)。在这些总能量中,只有 43.2 mJ (7.2%) 用于 CBT 测量,而剩余的 270.80 mJ (92.8%) 存储在电池中。这使得生命体征传感频段能够可靠和连续地运行,突出了其在医疗保健应用中的潜力。