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Gravitational waves from a curvature-induced phase transition of a Higgs-portal dark matter sector
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-31 , DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2024/10/104
Andreas Mantziris, Orfeu Bertolami

The study of interactions between dark matter and the Higgs field opens an exciting connection between cosmology and particle physics, since such scenarios can impact the features of dark matter as well as interfering with the spontaneous breaking of the electroweak symmetry. Furthermore, such Higgs-portal models of dark matter should be suitably harmonised with the various epochs of the universe and the phenomenological constraints imposed by collider experiments. At the same time, the prospect of a stochastic gravitational wave background offers a promising new window into the primordial universe, which can complement the insights gained from accelerators. In this study, we examined whether gravitational waves can be generated from a curvature-induced phase transition of a non-minimally coupled dark scalar field with a portal coupling to the Higgs field. The main requirement is that the phase transition is of first order, which can be achieved through the introduction of a cubic term on the scalar potential and the sign change of the curvature scalar. This mechanism was investigated in the context of a dynamical spacetime during the transition from inflation to kination, while also considering the possibility for inducing electroweak symmetry breaking in this manner for a sufficiently low reheating temperature when the Higgs-portal coupling is extremely weak. We considered a large range of inflationary scales and both cases of positive and negative values for the non-minimal coupling, while taking into account the bound imposed by Big Bang Nucleosythesis. The resulting gravitational wave amplitudes are boosted by kination and thus constrain the parameter space of the couplings significantly. Even though the spectra lie at high frequencies for the standard high inflationary scales, there are combinations of parameter space where they could be probed with future experiments.



对暗物质和希格斯场之间相互作用的研究在宇宙学和粒子物理学之间开启了一个令人兴奋的联系,因为这种情况会影响暗物质的特性,并干扰电弱对称性的自发打破。此外,这种暗物质的希格斯门户模型应该与宇宙的各个时代和对撞机实验施加的现象学限制适当地协调一致。与此同时,随机引力波背景的前景为了解原始宇宙提供了一个有前途的新窗口,这可以补充从加速器中获得的见解。在这项研究中,我们检查了引力波是否可以由非最小耦合暗标量场的曲率诱导相变产生,该场与希格斯场的门户耦合。主要要求是相变是一阶的,这可以通过在标量势上引入三次项和曲率标量的符号变化来实现。在从膨胀到亲缘关系的转变过程中,在动力学时空的背景下研究了这种机制,同时还考虑了当 Higgs 门耦合极弱时,以这种方式诱导电弱对称性破坏的可能性,以获得足够低的再加热温度。我们考虑了大范围的膨胀量表以及非最小耦合的正值和负值两种情况,同时考虑了大爆炸核解术施加的界限。亲缘关系增强了由此产生的引力波振幅,从而显着限制了耦合的参数空间。 尽管对于标准的高膨胀尺度来说,光谱位于高频处,但存在参数空间的组合,可以在未来的实验中对其进行探测。