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Single-Shot Readout and Weak Measurement of a Tin-Vacancy Qubit in Diamond
Physical Review X ( IF 11.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-08 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevx.14.041008
Eric I. Rosenthal, Souvik Biswas, Giovanni Scuri, Hope Lee, Abigail J. Stein, Hannah C. Kleidermacher, Jakob Grzesik, Alison E. Rugar, Shahriar Aghaeimeibodi, Daniel Riedel, Michael Titze, Edward S. Bielejec, Joonhee Choi, Christopher P. Anderson, Jelena Vučković

The negatively charged tin-vacancy center in diamond (SnV−) is an emerging platform for building the next generation of long-distance quantum networks. This is due to the SnV’s favorable optical and spin properties including bright emission, insensitivity to electronic noise, and long spin coherence times at temperatures above 1 K. Here, we demonstrate measurement of a single SnV electronic spin with a single-shot readout fidelity of 87.4%, which can be further improved to 98.5% by conditioning on multiple readouts. In the process, we develop understanding of the relationship between strain, magnetic field, spin readout, and microwave spin control. We show that high-fidelity readout is compatible with rapid microwave spin control, demonstrating a favorable parameter regime for use of the SnV center as a high-quality spin-photon interface. Finally, we use weak quantum measurement to study measurement-induced dephasing; this illuminates the fundamental interplay between measurement and decoherence in quantum mechanics, and provides a universal method to characterize the efficiency of color-center spin readout. Taken together, these results overcome an important hurdle in the development of the SnV-based quantum technologies and, in the process, develop techniques and understanding broadly applicable to the study of solid-state quantum emitters. Published by the American Physical Society 2024



金刚石中带负电荷的锡空位中心 (SnV−) 是构建下一代长距离量子网络的新兴平台。这是由于 SnV− 具有良好的光学和自旋特性,包括明亮发射、对电子噪声不敏感以及在 1 K 以上的温度下的长自旋相干时间。在这里,我们演示了单次 SnV− 电子自旋的测量,单次读出保真度为 87.4%,可以通过对多个读出进行调节,进一步提高到 98.5%。在此过程中,我们加深了对应变、磁场、自旋读数和微波自旋控制之间关系的理解。我们表明高保真读出与快速微波自旋控制兼容,证明了将 SnV− 中心用作高质量自旋光子界面的有利参数制度。最后,我们使用弱量子测量来研究测量诱导的移相;这阐明了量子力学中测量和退相干之间的基本相互作用,并提供了一种通用方法来表征色心自旋读数的效率。综上所述,这些结果克服了基于 SnV− 的量子技术发展中的一个重要障碍,并在此过程中开发了广泛适用于固态量子发射器研究的技术和理解。美国物理学会 2024 年出版