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Negative Affect Following Dating Application Use is Predicted by Social Anxiety Symptoms and Match Rate.
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-29 , DOI: 10.1089/cyber.2023.0604
Ariella P Lenton-Brym,Candice M Monson,Julia Spaniol,Gillian Shoychet,Kristen M Hernandez,Martin M Antony

Social rejection is a common and unavoidable experience for users of dating apps. Research suggests that socially anxious individuals may be particularly likely to use dating apps to establish intimate relationships, given their preference for online (vs. face-to-face) communication. However, social anxiety (SA) symptoms are associated with heightened negative affect and decreased prosocial behavior following social rejection, suggesting that exposure to dating app rejection has deleterious consequences in this population. This study examined whether SA symptoms and social rejection (vs. acceptance) feedback interact to predict participants' negative and positive affect and social engagement with dating app matches. Participants (N = 128) evaluated for SA symptoms were randomly assigned to receive high or low match rate feedback on a simulated dating application task. SA symptoms were negatively associated with positive affect following high match rate feedback and positively associated with negative affect following low match rate feedback. SA symptoms were negatively associated with self-reported likelihood of contact initiation with matches. Results suggest that high socially anxious individuals are more susceptible to negative repercussions of social rejection on dating applications.



对于约会应用程序的用户来说,社交拒绝是一种常见且不可避免的经历。研究表明,鉴于他们更喜欢在线(而不是面对面)交流,社交焦虑的人可能特别有可能使用约会应用程序来建立亲密关系。然而,社交焦虑 (SA) 症状与社交拒绝后负面影响的增加和亲社会行为的减少有关,这表明接触约会应用程序拒绝对这一人群产生了有害后果。本研究检查了 SA 症状和社交排斥(与接受)反馈是否相互作用以预测参与者的消极和积极影响以及对约会应用程序匹配的社交参与度。评估 SA 症状的参与者 (N = 128) 被随机分配以接收有关模拟约会应用程序任务的高匹配率或低匹配率反馈。SA 症状与高匹配率反馈后的积极影响呈负相关,与低匹配率反馈后的消极影响呈正相关。SA 症状与自我报告的与匹配开始接触的可能性呈负相关。结果表明,高度社交焦虑的人更容易受到社交拒绝对约会应用程序的负面影响。