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GPS-supported smartphone app-based integrated travel diary and time-use data collection: challenges and lessons learned
Transportation ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s11116-024-10546-w
Maliheh Tabasi, Amarin Siripanich, Nazmul Arefin Khan, Joshua Auld, Taha Hossein Rashidi

Travel behaviour and time-use data are two vital data sources for travel demand modelling. Travel behaviour is traditionally collected through household travel surveys, enhanced by using GPS-supported smartphone apps for passive location data collection. However, recruiting individuals willing to install these apps with sustained motivation to continue participation has been a critical challenge. This paper shares insights from a travel and time-use data collection procedure in Chicago and Sydney using the Fourstep app. Social media platforms were utilised as a solution to recruit participants in Chicago, where an international market research company failed to accomplish the task. This paper also discusses the challenges we faced and suggests ways to overcome them, offering valuable guidance to researchers in recruiting participants for smartphone application-based data collection. It also offers an analysis of travel, time-use, and travel-based multitasking behaviours based on the data collected from the Chicago and Sydney samples.


基于 GPS 的智能手机应用程序综合旅行日记和时间使用数据收集:挑战和经验教训

旅行行为和时间使用数据是旅行需求建模的两个重要数据源。传统上,旅行行为是通过家庭旅行调查收集的,通过使用支持 GPS 的智能手机应用程序进行被动位置数据收集来增强。然而,招募愿意安装这些应用程序并持续激励继续参与的个人一直是一项重大挑战。本白皮书分享了使用 Fourstep 应用程序在芝加哥和悉尼进行旅行和分时数据收集程序的见解。社交媒体平台被用作芝加哥招募参与者的解决方案,而一家国际市场研究公司未能完成这项任务。本文还讨论了我们面临的挑战并提出了克服这些挑战的方法,为研究人员招募参与者进行基于智能手机应用程序的数据收集提供了有价值的指导。它还根据从芝加哥和悉尼样本收集的数据,对旅行、时间使用和基于旅行的多任务处理行为进行了分析。
