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Characterization of microbial populations in two distinct dairy manure management systems: seasonal effect and implications for pollutant gases emissions
Journal of Animal Science ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-26 , DOI: 10.1093/jas/skae316
Esperanza Fuertes, Ahmad Reza Seradj, Joaquim Balcells, Jordi Maynegre, Gabriel de la Fuente

Following an increase in the demand for dairy products, higher quantities of manure are consequently produced, with the subsequent pollutant gas emission charge associated with its management. The 2 mostly used housing systems in the northeast of Spain, cubicles (CUB) and compost-bedded pack (CBP), entail different manure management techniques; thus, our main objective was to describe the microbiota present in the manure of both systems during 2 distinct climatic situations (winter, mean temperature of 6.2 °C; and summer, mean temperature of 36.4 °C). The secondary aim was to correlate these microbiological profiles with literature findings on the emission of certain well-known pollutant gases from manure. CBP showed to have higher alpha biodiversity as well as presenting a remarkable clustering by season but showed lower network complexity than CUB. Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio was found superior in CUB, which also presented a significantly higher abundance of methanogenic genera belonging to Euryarchaeota phylum, such as Methanobrevibacter, Methanosaeta or Methanosarcina. On the other hand, CBP manure presented a significant presence of Corynebacterium, Pseudomonas, or Truepera, among other genera, which activity has been linked to nitrogen (N) transformation pathways in manure. The season also had a relevant role to play in the fluctuation of these populations within each housing system under study. These results show how microbial populations change when manure is differently managed, and how these variations can be related to the synthesis of certain pollutant gases in housing systems.



随着对乳制品需求的增加,因此产生了更多的粪污,随之而来的是与其管理相关的污染气体排放费用。西班牙东北部最常用的 2 个住房系统,隔间 (CUB) 和堆肥床包(CBP),需要不同的粪污管理技术;因此,我们的主要目标是描述 2 种不同气候情况下(冬季,平均温度为 6.2 °C;夏季,平均温度为 36.4 °C)两个系统粪便中存在的微生物群。次要目的是将这些微生物学概况与关于粪便中某些众所周知的污染气体排放的文献发现相关联。CBP 显示出更高的 alpha 生物多样性,并且在季节上呈现出显着的聚类,但显示出比 CUB 更低的网络复杂性。厚壁菌门/拟杆菌门的比率在 CUB 中优于,其属于 Euryarchaeota 门的产甲烷属的丰度也显着更高,例如 Methanobrevibacter、Methanosaeta 或 Methanosarcina。另一方面,CBP 粪便中大量存在棒状杆菌、假单胞菌或 Truepera 等属,其活性与粪便中的氮 (N) 转化途径有关。这个季节在所研究的每个住房系统内这些人口的波动中也起着相关作用。这些结果表明,当粪污管理方式不同时,微生物种群如何变化,以及这些变化如何与住房系统中某些污染气体的合成相关联。