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Radiological dose from seafood ingestion; a global summary from 40 years of study
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology ( IF 11.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-25 , DOI: 10.1080/10643389.2024.2413202
Mathew P. Johansen, Justin P. Gwynn, Julia G. Carpenter, Sabine Charmasson, Paul Mc Ginnity, Airi Mori, Blake Orr, Marie Simon-Cornu, Iolanda Osvath

Seafood is an important source for meeting future global nutrient demands. However, it also contributes disproportionately to the radiological ingestion dose of more than five billion world consume...


海鲜摄入的放射剂量;40 年研究的全球总结

海鲜是满足未来全球营养需求的重要来源。然而,它也不成比例地导致了全球超过 50 亿的放射性摄入剂量......