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Low energy availability surrogates are associated with Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport outcomes in male athletes
British Journal of Sports Medicine ( IF 11.6 ) Pub Date : 2025-01-01 , DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2024-109165
Bryan Holtzman, Rose K Kelly, Grace H Saville, Lauren McCall, Kaya A Adelzedah, Samantha R Sarafin, Prakruthi Nikam, Isabella Meneguzzi, Abby McIntyre, Emily K Kraus, Kathryn E Ackerman

Objectives To determine the association between surrogates of low energy availability (EA) and proposed health and performance outcomes of Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (REDs) in a clinical sample of adolescent and young adult male athletes. Methods Male athletes ages 15–30 years presenting to a sports medicine clinic at two tertiary care centres were invited to complete a survey about athlete health and well-being. Participants were divided into low EA and adequate EA groups based on survey responses. The associations between low EA and REDs outcomes were evaluated using χ2 tests and ORs were calculated using binomial logistic regression (significance: p<0.05). Results Low EA was associated with increased frequency of self-reported immunological, metabolic, psychological, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal dysfunction; reduced endurance performance, response to training, judgement, coordination and muscle strength; and increased irritability and depression. Low EA athletes were more likely to have self-reported cardiovascular dysfunction (OR 2.87, 95% CI 1.56 to 5.26) and psychological illness (OR 3.23, 95% CI 1.91 to 5.41), decreased training response (OR 2.64, 95% CI 1.38 to 5.03) and endurance performance (OR 2.26, 95% CI 1.13 to 4.52) and were less likely to have self-reported gonadal dysfunction (OR 0.49, 95% CI 0.30 to 0.81), than adequate EA athletes (p<0.05). Conclusions Low EA surrogates are associated with many adverse health outcomes and performance effects of REDs in male athletes. More prospective REDs research in males is needed to improve various aspects of REDs screening in young male athletes. No data are available.



目的 确定低能量可用性 (EA) 的替代指标与青少年和年轻成年男性运动员临床样本中运动相对能量不足 (REDs) 的拟议健康和表现结果之间的关联。方法 邀请在两个三级护理中心的运动医学诊所就诊的 15-30 岁男性运动员完成一项关于运动员健康和福祉的调查。根据调查回复,参与者被分为低 EA 组和充足 EA 组。使用 χ2 检验评估低 EA 和 REDs 结局之间的关联,并使用二项式 logistic 回归计算 ORs (显着性: p<0.05)。结果 低 EA 与自我报告的免疫、代谢、心理、心血管和胃肠道功能障碍频率增加相关;耐力表现、对训练的反应、判断、协调和肌肉力量降低;以及易怒和抑郁增加。低 EA 运动员更有可能患有自我报告的心血管功能障碍 (OR 2.87,95% CI 1.56 至 5.26) 和心理疾病 (OR 3.23,95% CI 1.91 至 5.41),训练反应降低 (OR 2.64,95% CI 1.38 至 5.03) 和耐力表现 (OR 2.26,95% CI 1.13 至 4.52),并且不太可能出现自我报告的性腺功能障碍 (OR 0.49, 95% CI 0.30 至 0.81),高于足够的 EA 运动员 (p<0.05)。结论 低 EA 替代物与男性运动员 REDs 的许多不良健康结果和表现影响有关。需要对男性进行更多前瞻性的 REDs 研究,以改善年轻男性运动员 REDs 筛查的各个方面。没有可用的数据。