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Ultra-high strength and ductility of eutectic high-entropy alloy with duplex heterostructure at room and cryogenic temperatures
Journal of Materials Science & Technology ( IF 11.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jmst.2024.10.008
Xiangkui Liu, Jingying Liu, Chenglong Zhou, Weixia Dong, Xuecong Zhang, Qianye Wang, Huiqing Xu, Xulong An, Dandan Wang, Wei Wei, Zhenfei Jiang

Here, we architected a duplex heterostructure with FCC/L12 and B2 phases in Ni49Fe28Al17V6 eutectic high-entropy alloy (EHEA) by thermal-mechanical process. Ultra-high yield strength of ∼1550 MPa, high tensile strength of ∼1772 MPa and good ductility of ∼16.5 % at room temperature (298 K) were exhibited. Particularly, ultra-high yield strength of ∼1877 MPa, ultra-high tensile strength of ∼2157 MPa and uniform elongation of ∼10 % were achieved at cryogenic temperature (77 K). Such excellent room-temperature mechanical properties are attributed to the hetero-deformation induced (HDI) hardening. Ultrahigh cryogenic-temperature strength originates from not only HDI hardening, but also the strong interaction of deformation twins and high-density dislocations.



在这里,我们通过热机械工艺在 Ni49Fe28Al17V6 共晶高熵合金 (EHEA) 中构建了一个具有 FCC/L12 和 B2 相的双相异质结构。在室温 (298 K) 下表现出 ∼1550 MPa 的超高屈服强度、∼1772 MPa 的高拉伸强度和 ∼16.5 % 的良好延展性。特别是,在低温 (77 K) 下实现了 ∼1877 MPa 的超高屈服强度、∼2157 MPa 的超高拉伸强度和 ∼10 % 的均匀伸长率。如此优异的室温机械性能归因于异质变形诱导 (HDI) 硬化。超高低温强度不仅源于 HDI 硬化,还源于变形孪晶和高密度位错的强烈相互作用。