npj Flexible Electronics ( IF 12.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-24 , DOI: 10.1038/s41528-024-00359-3 Sangsik Park, Seung Hyun Kim, Hansol Lee, Kilwon Cho
Despite recent dramatic improvements in the electronic characteristics of stretchable organic field-effect transistors (FETs), their low operational stability remains a bottleneck for their use in practical applications. Here, the operational stability, especially the bias-stress stability, of semiconducting polymer-based FETs under various tensile strains is investigated. Analyses on the structure of stretched semiconducting polymer films and spectroscopic quantification of trapped charges within them reveal the major cause of the strain-dependent bias-stress instability of the FETs. Devices with larger strains exhibit lower stability than those with smaller strains because of the increased water content, which is accompanied by the formation of cracks and nanoscale cavities in the semiconducting polymer film as results of the applied strain. The strain-dependence of bias-stress stability of stretchable OFETs can be eliminated by passivating the devices to avoid penetration of water molecules. This work provides new insights for the development of bias-stable stretchable OFETs.

尽管最近可拉伸有机场效应晶体管 (FET) 的电子特性有了显着改进,但其低工作稳定性仍然是其实际应用的瓶颈。在这里,研究了基于半导体聚合物的 FET 在各种拉伸应变下的运行稳定性,尤其是偏置应力稳定性。对拉伸半导体聚合物薄膜结构的分析和其中捕获电荷的光谱定量揭示了 FET 的应变依赖性偏置应力不稳定性的主要原因。由于含水量增加,应变较大的器件比应变较小的器件表现出较低的稳定性,这伴随着半导体聚合物膜中因施加应变而形成裂纹和纳米级空腔。通过钝化器件以避免水分子渗透,可以消除可拉伸 OTET 的偏置应力稳定性的应变依赖性。这项工作为开发偏置稳定可拉伸 OFET 提供了新的见解。