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Genetic architecture of Cercospora leaf spot response in table beet with implications for other Beta vulgaris crop types
Crop Science ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-18 , DOI: 10.1002/csc2.21396 Liam Dixon, Irwin L. Goldman
Crop Science ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-18 , DOI: 10.1002/csc2.21396 Liam Dixon, Irwin L. Goldman
Table beet (Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris) production is threatened by the fungal disease Cercospora leaf spot (CLS). Infections are common across table beet's closest relatives, including Swiss chard, sugar beet, and fodder beet (all B. v. subsp. vulgaris). This study was conducted to characterize the genetic architecture underlying CLS response in table beet. A secondary objective was to test whether CLS-associated loci in table beet perform similarly across B. vulgaris crops. A diversity panel comprised of 168 table beet accessions and with an additional 70 accessions from all close relatives of table beet was screened for CLS response in replicated and inoculated field trials. Results from a genome-wide association study of additive effects revealed seven quantitative trait loci mapped to chromosomes 1, 3, 7, and 9 to explain 30% of the phenotypic variation for CLS response in table beet. When the performance of these loci was compared between a table beet background and a background of Swiss chard, sugar beet, and fodder beet, two loci exhibited significantly different responses. Among the B. vulgaris crops, these loci may be unique to table beet germplasm and could be useful for the improvement of CLS resistance in other crop types. For the improvement of CLS resistance in table beet, this study identified the cultivar Winter Keeper as a potentially valuable source of resistance. The architecture of CLS response points to recurrent selection and backcross methods as effective strategies for the improvement of CLS resistance in table beet.
甜菜尾孢叶斑病响应的遗传结构及其对其他 Beta vulgaris 作物类型的影响
食用甜菜 (Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris) 生产受到真菌病害尾孢叶斑病 (CLS) 的威胁。感染在甜菜的近亲中很常见,包括瑞士甜菜、甜菜和饲料甜菜(均为 B. v. subsp. vulgaris)。本研究旨在表征甜菜中 CLS 反应的遗传结构。次要目标是测试甜菜中 CLS 相关基因座在普通双歧杆菌作物中的表现是否相似。在重复和接种的田间试验中,筛选了由 168 个食用甜菜种质和来自食用甜菜所有近亲的另外 70 个种质组成的多样性组的 CLS 反应。加性效应的全基因组关联研究结果显示,映射到 1 、 3 、 7 和 9 号染色体的 7 个数量性状位点解释了甜菜中 CLS 反应的 30% 表型变异。当在甜菜背景与瑞士甜菜、甜菜和饲料甜菜背景之间比较这些基因座的性能时,两个基因座表现出显著不同的响应。在 B. vulgaris 作物中,这些位点可能是食用甜菜种质所特有的,可用于提高其他作物类型的 CLS 抗性。为了提高甜菜中 CLS 的抗性,本研究确定栽培品种 Winter Keeper 是一个潜在的有价值的抗性来源。CLS 响应的结构表明,递归选择和回交方法是提高甜菜 CLS 抗性的有效策略。
甜菜尾孢叶斑病响应的遗传结构及其对其他 Beta vulgaris 作物类型的影响
食用甜菜 (Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris) 生产受到真菌病害尾孢叶斑病 (CLS) 的威胁。感染在甜菜的近亲中很常见,包括瑞士甜菜、甜菜和饲料甜菜(均为 B. v. subsp. vulgaris)。本研究旨在表征甜菜中 CLS 反应的遗传结构。次要目标是测试甜菜中 CLS 相关基因座在普通双歧杆菌作物中的表现是否相似。在重复和接种的田间试验中,筛选了由 168 个食用甜菜种质和来自食用甜菜所有近亲的另外 70 个种质组成的多样性组的 CLS 反应。加性效应的全基因组关联研究结果显示,映射到 1 、 3 、 7 和 9 号染色体的 7 个数量性状位点解释了甜菜中 CLS 反应的 30% 表型变异。当在甜菜背景与瑞士甜菜、甜菜和饲料甜菜背景之间比较这些基因座的性能时,两个基因座表现出显著不同的响应。在 B. vulgaris 作物中,这些位点可能是食用甜菜种质所特有的,可用于提高其他作物类型的 CLS 抗性。为了提高甜菜中 CLS 的抗性,本研究确定栽培品种 Winter Keeper 是一个潜在的有价值的抗性来源。CLS 响应的结构表明,递归选择和回交方法是提高甜菜 CLS 抗性的有效策略。