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Teachers’ Feedback on Oral Reading: A Critical Review of its Effects and the use of Theory in Research
Educational Psychology Review ( IF 10.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s10648-024-09957-z
Karianne Megard Grønli, Bente Rigmor Walgermo, Erin M. McTigue, Per Henning Uppstad

Teachers’ feedback is critical for student learning, particularly during oral reading, where it supports skill development and fosters students' agency and reader identity. However, research has yet to provide clear recommendations for effective classroom feedback. This critical-constructive review aims to achieve two objectives: to present evidence of effective feedback strategies for reading development and to explore the theoretical foundations of feedback in oral reading. The review analyzes twenty-four empirical studies (1995–2022) on effects of teachers’ feedback in K–5 settings. Findings reveal significant variability in effective feedback types and content, making clear-cut generalizations challenging and emphasizing the need for a nuanced understanding of feedback's influence on fluency, motivation and engagement. While many studies utilized theoretical frameworks, their limited diversity constrains our understanding of students' emotional, cognitive, and behavioral responses to feedback, highlighting a gap in research that often prioritizes reading processes over the role of feedback. This study discusses the potential for integrating feedback and reading development theories to better align interventions with contemporary understandings. By adopting a more comprehensive approach, we can inform teaching strategies that support reading development and redefine how we assist young readers. Additionally, the study offers an example and approach for aligning theory across the different phases of performing empirical research, with implications that extend beyond the current review.



教师的反馈对学生的学习至关重要,尤其是在口语阅读期间,它支持技能发展并培养学生的能动性和读者身份。然而,研究尚未为有效的课堂反馈提供明确的建议。本批判性建设性综述旨在实现两个目标:提供阅读发展有效反馈策略的证据,并探索口语阅读中反馈的理论基础。本综述分析了 24 项实证研究(1995-2022 年)对 K-5 环境中教师反馈的影响。研究结果揭示了有效反馈类型和内容的显著差异,使明确的概括具有挑战性,并强调了细致入微地了解反馈对流利度、积极性和参与度的影响的必要性。虽然许多研究利用了理论框架,但它们有限的多样性限制了我们对学生对反馈的情绪、认知和行为反应的理解,这凸显了研究中的一个差距,即通常优先考虑阅读过程而不是反馈的作用。本研究讨论了整合反馈和阅读发展理论以更好地使干预措施与当代理解保持一致的潜力。通过采用更全面的方法,我们可以为支持阅读发展的教学策略提供信息,并重新定义我们如何帮助年轻读者。此外,该研究还提供了一个示例和方法,用于在进行实证研究的不同阶段调整理论,其影响超出了当前的综述。
