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Autoethnographical Research on the Experience of Identity Change as an Artist, Teacher and Teaching Artist
The International Journal of Art & Design Education ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-16 , DOI: 10.1111/jade.12537
Ok‐Hee Jeong

An autoethnographic exploration of identity formation raises the question of how individuals inhabit, negotiate, accommodate and resist the social groups to which they belong, continually coming to terms with who and what they are. This paper discusses, through this researcher's autobiographical exploration, the ways in which pedagogical discourse and practice produce identities that are constructed within the broader sociocultural context of arts education. As an art educator who has been learning and teaching in the Korean sociocultural context since the 1970s, I have experienced the struggle between my identity as an artist and my identity as a teacher amidst the changes in educational ideology reflected in the Korean national curriculum, which is a set of pedagogical discourses and practices that are constructed within a particular sociocultural context. It can be said that my autobiographical narration has important implications for the practice of art education in connecting individuals and society in an ambiguous and complex future society by enhancing theoretical understanding of wider social phenomena. In this paper, the narrative interpretation of my changing identity as an artist, an art teacher and a teaching artist provides a timely insight into identity shifts in how the artwork we encounter and our perceptions of art are shaped and transformed by our own cultural experiences and recollections of our own personal experiences within the interconnectedness of art and education across time.



对身份形成的自体民族志探索提出了一个问题,即个人如何居住、协商、容纳和抵制他们所属的社会群体,不断接受他们是谁和他们是什么。本文通过这位研究人员的自传式探索,讨论了教学话语和实践如何产生在艺术教育更广泛的社会文化背景下构建的身份。作为一名自 1970 年代以来一直在韩国社会文化背景下学习和教学的艺术教育工作者,在韩国国家课程所反映的教育意识形态变化中,我经历了我作为艺术家的身份和我作为教师的身份之间的斗争,韩国国家课程是一套在特定社会文化背景下构建的教学话语和实践。可以说,我的自传式叙述通过增强对更广泛的社会现象的理论理解,在模糊而复杂的未来社会中将个人与社会联系起来,对艺术教育的实践具有重要意义。在本文中,对我作为艺术家、艺术教师和教学艺术家身份变化的叙述性解释,及时洞察了我们遇到的艺术品和我们对艺术的看法如何被我们自己的文化经验和对我们自己的个人经历的回忆所塑造和改变的身份转变,在艺术和教育的相互联系中跨越时间。