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Propensity score methods for confounding control in observational studies of therapeutics for COVID-19 infection
Clinical Infectious Diseases ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-16 , DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciae516
Kathleen E Hurwitz, Nuvan Rathnayaka, Kayla Hendrickson, M Alan Brookhart

Summary The authors provide a brief overview of different propensity score methods that can be used in observational research studies that lack randomization. Under specific assumptions, these methods result in unbiased estimates of causal effects, but the different ways propensity score are used may require different assumptions and result in estimated treatment effects that can have meaningfully different interpretations. The authors review these issues and consider their implications for studies of therapeutics for COVID-19.


COVID-19 感染治疗观察性研究中混杂控制的倾向评分方法

总结 作者简要概述了可用于缺乏随机化的观察性研究的不同倾向评分方法。在特定假设下,这些方法导致对因果效应的无偏估计,但倾向评分的不同使用方式可能需要不同的假设,并导致估计的治疗效应可能具有有意义的不同解释。作者回顾了这些问题,并考虑了它们对 COVID-19 治疗研究的影响。