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Perspectives on Long-Term Follow-Up among Living Kidney Donors
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology ( IF 8.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-15 , DOI: 10.2215/cjn.0000000000000547
Sunita K. Singh, Allison Jaure, Natasha Caton, Olwyn Johnston, Camilla S. Hanson, Amanda Dominello, Maia P. Gill, Linnea Young, Kathy Yetzer, Sarah Chritchley, Doris Chang, John S. Gill

ization or change in health. Background The long-term follow-up of living kidney donors is highly variable in Canada. Methods We surveyed perspectives on postdonation follow-up among 685 living donors in the two largest transplant programs in Canada (43% survey response rate). The anonymous survey was informed by semistructured interviews with 12 living kidney donors. The survey was developed on the basis of themes identified in the semistructured interviews, guidance from the research and clinical teams, and feedback from pilot testing with six previous donors. Results Most (73%) of the respondents received follow-up after the first donation year from a primary care provider, and 70% reported annual follow-up visits, including blood and urine tests. Most (71%) received a follow-up reminder from their transplant center, and follow-up was higher (86% versus 68%) among those receiving reminders. Donors wanted specialist involvement if new health or kidney-related events occurred. Most (70%) were satisfied with their follow-up, and 66% endorsed annual lifelong follow-up. Donors wanted more information about lifestyle and living donor outcomes and wanted to contribute to research to increase understanding of long-term donor health outcomes. Conclusions Donors wanted annual lifelong follow-up, including clinical assessment and laboratory tests, and more information about their postdonation health. A transplant center–led, primary care provider–administered model of long-term follow-up may best meet the care and information needs of most donors....



健康化或变化。背景 在加拿大,活体肾脏捐献者的长期随访差异很大。方法 我们调查了加拿大最大的两个移植项目中 685 名活体捐献者对捐献后随访的看法 (43% 的调查回复率)。这项匿名调查是通过对 12 名活体肾脏捐献者的半结构化访谈得出的。该调查是根据半结构化访谈中确定的主题、研究和临床团队的指导以及与以前的六位捐助者进行试点测试的反馈而制定的。结果 大多数 (73%) 受访者在第一年后接受了初级保健提供者的随访,70% 的受访者报告了年度随访,包括血液和尿液检查。大多数 (71%) 收到了移植中心的随访提醒,接受提醒的患者的随访率更高(86% 对 68%)。如果发生新的健康或肾脏相关事件,捐献者希望专家参与。大多数 (70%) 对他们的随访感到满意,66% 的人支持每年进行终身随访。捐献者希望了解有关生活方式和活体捐献者结果的更多信息,并希望为研究做出贡献,以增加对长期捐献者健康结果的理解。结论 捐献者希望每年进行一次终身随访,包括临床评估和实验室检查,以及有关其捐献后健康状况的更多信息。由移植中心主导、初级保健提供者管理的长期随访模式可能最能满足大多数供体的护理和信息需求。