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Waste management and cell death in T cells
Nature Cell Biology ( IF 17.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-16 , DOI: 10.1038/s41556-024-01538-0
Douglas R. Green

After being activated, T lymphocytes must consume fuel for energy and biomaterials to sustain rapid proliferation and differentiation. As a consequence, waste is generated that must be managed. A new study now explores how activated CD8+ effector T cells handle ammonia, and how this impacts the survival and function of these cells.


T 细胞中的废物管理和细胞死亡

被激活后,T 淋巴细胞必须消耗能量和生物材料的燃料,以维持快速增殖和分化。因此,产生的废弃物必须得到管理。现在一项新的研究探讨了活化的 CD8+ 效应 T 细胞如何处理氨,以及这如何影响这些细胞的存活和功能。