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Intraspecific crop diversity for enhanced crop pollination success. A review
Agronomy for Sustainable Development ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s13593-024-00984-2
Stan Chabert, Maxime Eeraerts, Lisa W. DeVetter, Monica Borghi, Rachel E. Mallinger

Interspecific crop diversity (e.g., intercropping) has been documented to promote sustainability in agroecological systems with benefits for pollination services and insect pollinators. These benefits may also be extended to intraspecific crop diversity (e.g., cultivation of multiple genotypes or cultivars in a production space), but no review to date has examined the benefits of intraspecific crop diversity for pollination and pollinator communities. While mixing cultivars is necessary and a widespread practice for pollination of self-incompatible or male-sterile crops, it is not as widespread for other crop species. However, many other crops have shown reduced yield quantity or quality with self-fertilization due to partial self-sterility, early acting inbreeding depression, and xenia. These crops could thus experience increased production in diverse cultivar mixtures. Cultivar mixtures could also benefit pollinator communities through providing complementary and temporally consistent floral resources, with cascading effects on pollination services. However, successfully implementing cultivar mixtures requires an understanding of how cultivar identity and arrangement affect successful cross-pollination. In this review, we describe the potential benefits of increased intraspecific crop diversity for optimal pollination and pollinator populations across insect-pollinated crops. Additionally, we explore how research advances in cultivar characteristics and insect pollinator behavior and movement, as well as crop pollen flow, can inform cultivar mixtures and spatial arrangements. We find evidence that mixing cultivars, even in self-compatible crops, improves pollination outcomes and yields. Additionally, given insect pollinator behavior and pollen flow, such mixing must occur at relatively small spatial scales. Furthermore, cultivar diversity could ensure successful pollination and resource production for pollinators under extreme weather events. We also discuss costs and benefits of diverse cultivar mixtures from a grower’s perspective and offer suggestions for future research including translating findings within the context of farming systems so that recommendations are practical and achievable.


种内作物多样性,提高作物授粉成功率。A 评论

种间作物多样性(例如,间作)已被证明可以促进农业生态系统的可持续性,对授粉服务和昆虫传粉媒介有益。这些好处也可以扩展到种内作物多样性(例如,在生产空间中培养多种基因型或栽培品种),但迄今为止还没有审查过种内作物多样性对授粉和传粉媒介群落的好处。虽然混合栽培品种是必要的,并且是自交不亲和或雄性不育作物授粉的广泛做法,但对于其他作物物种来说,它并不那么普遍。然而,由于部分自我不育、早期作用近亲繁殖抑制和 Xenia,许多其他作物在自我受精后显示出产量或质量降低。因此,这些作物在不同品种混合物中的产量可能会增加。栽培品种混合物还可以通过提供互补和时间一致的花卉资源,对授粉服务产生级联效应,从而使传粉媒介群落受益。然而,成功实施栽培品种混合物需要了解栽培品种的身份和排列如何影响成功的异花授粉。在这篇综述中,我们描述了增加种内作物多样性对昆虫授粉作物的最佳授粉和传粉媒介种群的潜在好处。此外,我们还探讨了品种特性和昆虫传粉媒介行为和运动以及作物花粉流动的研究进展如何为品种混合物和空间安排提供信息。我们发现证据表明,混合栽培品种,即使是在自交作物中,也能提高授粉结果和产量。 此外,考虑到昆虫传粉媒介的行为和花粉流动,这种混合必须在相对较小的空间尺度上发生。此外,栽培品种多样性可以确保在极端天气事件下为传粉媒介成功授粉和生产资源。我们还从种植者的角度讨论了不同品种混合物的成本和收益,并为未来的研究提供了建议,包括在农业系统的背景下翻译研究结果,以便建议实用且可实现。
