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Inadvertent climate refugia
Conservation Letters ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-14 , DOI: 10.1111/conl.13063
Forest P. Hayes, Joel Berger

For centuries, humans have intentionally moved species around the world, and such actions have rarely been laudable from conservation perspectives. The notion that introduced populations of cold-adapted species hold conservation value despite their non-native status remains controversial. Many such populations exist as a legacy of humans moving wildlife to novel environments with little true consideration of species conservation. Herein, we identify cases in which individuals from inadvertent climate refugia (ICR) are returned to formerly occupied ranges or used to augment declining native populations. While conservation benefits have been infrequently realized, the global distribution of ICR offers a potentially untapped resource. Lessening biodiversity loss under increasing climate challenges will likely require assisted migration of many species and necessitate novel valuation of extant introduced populations—such as those within ICR. While ecological costs of translocated species are widely known, we highlight how species moved generations ago to ICR offer a reservoir for reintroductions and a buffer against rapidly changing climates.



几个世纪以来,人类有意识地将物种迁移到世界各地,从保护的角度来看,这种行为很少值得称赞。尽管寒冷适应物种的非本地状态,但引入的寒冷适应物种种群具有保护价值的观点仍然存在争议。许多这样的种群是人类将野生动物迁移到新环境的遗产,而很少真正考虑物种保护。在这里,我们确定了来自无意气候避难所 (ICR) 的个体被送回以前居住的范围或用于增加不断下降的本地种群的情况。虽然保护效益很少实现,但 ICR 的全球分布提供了一个可能尚未开发的资源。在日益严峻的气候挑战下减少生物多样性的丧失可能需要许多物种的协助迁移,并需要对现存的引入种群进行新的估值,例如 ICR 中的种群。虽然易位物种的生态成本是众所周知的,但我们强调了几代人前迁移到 ICR 的物种如何为重新引入提供水库和缓冲以应对快速变化的气候。