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Forearm Versus Upper Arm Location of Arteriovenous Access Used at Hemodialysis Initiation: Temporal Trends and Racial Disparities
American Journal of Kidney Diseases ( IF 9.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-11 , DOI: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2024.07.017
Melandrea L. Worsley, Jingbo Niu, Kevin F. Erickson, Neal R. Barshes, Wolfgang C. Winkelmayer, L. Parker Gregg

Race and ethnicity differences exist in the type of arteriovenous access (AVA, including fistulas and grafts) used at hemodialysis (HD) initiation. The preferred anatomic location for the creation of an initial HD AVA is typically in the forearm We evaluated race and ethnicity differences in the use of an AVA in the forearm location at HD initiation.



血液透析 (HD) 开始时使用的动静脉通路 (AVA,包括瘘管和移植物) 的类型存在种族和民族差异。创建初始 HD AVA 的首选解剖位置通常是前臂 我们评估了在 HD 开始时在前臂位置使用 AVA 的种族和民族差异。