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Financial stress and leadership behavior: The role of leader gender.
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-01 , DOI: 10.1037/ocp0000387
Trevor M Spoelma,Keaton A Fletcher

Concern about personal finances is one of the most widespread and salient sources of stress. We advance our emerging understanding of the work-related impacts of financial stress by examining the consequences of personal financial stress on leadership behavior. Drawing on compensatory control theory, we propose that financial stress positively relates to abusive supervision via a lowered sense of personal control. Integrating social role theory, we propose that these effects are stronger for leaders who are men than leaders who are women. We test our model in a vignette-based study using a sample of leaders (N = 201) and a second multiwave, multisource field survey study among leaders and their subordinates (N = 119 leader-subordinate dyads). Across both studies, we found that financial stress was positively associated with abusive supervision via lack of control and that this relationship was stronger for men than women. In Study 2, we examined an alternative tend-and-befriend theoretical account, proposing that leaders who are women exhibit more communion-striving motivation and empathic leadership as a result of financial stress. We found some support for this alternative pathway, though not gender differences in it, and in doing so we uncovered novel outcomes of financial stress. Our results offer implications for supporting employee financial health and uncover a context wherein men (and their subordinates), rather than women, experience the costs of misalignment with societal gender expectations. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).



对个人财务的担忧是最普遍和最突出的压力来源之一。我们通过研究个人财务压力对领导行为的影响,推进我们对财务压力对工作相关影响的新兴理解。借鉴补偿性控制理论,我们提出财务压力与通过降低个人控制感的滥用监督呈正相关。整合社会角色理论,我们提出这些影响对男性领导者比女性领导者更强。我们在一项基于小插图的研究中使用领导者样本 (N = 201) 和第二次针对领导者及其下属的多波、多来源实地调查研究 (N = 119 个领导者-下属二元组) 测试了我们的模型。在这两项研究中,我们发现财务压力与因缺乏控制而导致的虐待性监督呈正相关,并且这种关系对男性的影响比对女性更强。在研究 2 中,我们研究了另一种趋向交友理论解释,提出女性领导者由于财务压力而表现出更多的争取共融的动机和同理心领导。我们发现这种替代途径有一些支持,尽管其中没有性别差异,在此过程中,我们发现了财务压力的新结果。我们的研究结果为支持员工财务健康提供了启示,并揭示了男性(及其下属)而不是女性因与社会性别期望不一致而付出的代价。(PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2024 APA,保留所有权利)。