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Empathy, compassion, and connection should be central in suicide assessment with youth of color: Commentary on Molock et al. (2023).
American Psychologist ( IF 12.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-01 , DOI: 10.1037/amp0001358
John Sommers-Flanagan,Maegan Rides At The Door

Molock et al. (2023) offered an excellent scholarly review and critique of suicide assessment tools with youth of color. Although providing useful information, their article neglected essential relational components of suicide assessment, implied that contemporary suicide assessment practices are effective with White youth, and did not acknowledge the racist origins of acculturation. To improve the suicide assessment process, psychologists and other mental health providers should emphasize respect and empathy, show cultural humility, and seek to establish trust before expecting openness and honesty from youth of color. Additionally, the fact that suicide assessment with youth who identify as White is also generally unhelpful, makes emphasizing relationship and development of a working alliance with all youth even more important. Finally, acculturation has racist origins and is a one-directional concept based on prevailing cultural standards; relying on acculturation during assessments with youth of color should be avoided. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).


同理心、同情心和联系应该是有色人种青年自杀评估的核心:对 Molock 等人的评论(2023 年)。

Molock 等人(2023 年)对有色人种青年的自杀评估工具进行了出色的学术评论和批评。尽管提供了有用的信息,但他们的文章忽视了自杀评估的基本关系组成部分,暗示当代自杀评估实践对白人青年有效,并且不承认文化适应的种族主义起源。为了改进自杀评估过程,心理学家和其他心理健康提供者应该强调尊重和同理心,表现出文化上的谦逊,并在期望有色人种青年开诚布公之前寻求建立信任。此外,对白人青少年进行自杀评估通常也是无济于事的,这使得强调与所有青少年的关系和发展工作联盟变得更加重要。最后,文化适应起源于种族主义,是一个基于流行文化标准的单向概念;在对有色人种青年进行评估时,应避免依赖文化适应。(PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2024 APA,保留所有权利)。