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The Effects of Morphological Instruction on Literacy Outcomes for Children in English-Speaking Countries: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Educational Psychology Review ( IF 10.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s10648-024-09953-3
Danielle Colenbrander, Alexa von Hagen, Saskia Kohnen, Signy Wegener, Katherine Ko, Elisabeth Beyersmann, Ali Behzadnia, Rauno Parrila, Anne Castles

In this pre-registered meta-analysis, we investigated the effectiveness of morphology instruction on literacy outcomes for primary school children in English-speaking countries. We were interested in overall reading and spelling outcomes, but we also looked separately at results for trained and untrained words in order to determine whether there was evidence of transfer to untrained words. Further, we were interested in whether results transferred beyond the word level to reading comprehension outcomes. Our screening process revealed 28 eligible studies, which contributed 177 effect sizes to the analyses. Robust variance estimation methods were used to account for dependence between effect sizes. Overall, effect sizes on reading and spelling outcomes were small to moderate. Effect sizes were larger for trained words than untrained words. There was evidence of transfer to untrained words for spelling outcomes, but not for reading outcomes. There was also no clear evidence of effects on reading comprehension outcomes. In general, the evidence was characterised by large amounts of heterogeneity and imprecision, which was reflective of the wide variety within and between studies in terms of intervention content, outcome measures, intervention dosage and type of control group. We discuss the limitations of the current literature and make recommendations for future research and practice in the field of morphology instruction. (207 words – max 250).



在这项预先注册的荟萃分析中,我们调查了形态学教学对英语国家小学生识字结果的有效性。我们对总体阅读和拼写结果感兴趣,但我们也分别研究了经过训练和未训练的单词的结果,以确定是否有证据表明转移到未经训练的单词。此外,我们对结果是否从单词水平转移到阅读理解结局感兴趣。我们的筛选过程揭示了 28 项符合条件的研究,为分析贡献了 177 个效应量。稳健方差估计方法用于解释效应大小之间的依赖性。总体而言,对阅读和拼写结局的影响大小为小到中等。训练词的效应量大于未训练词。有证据表明,拼写结果转移到未经训练的单词,但阅读结果没有。也没有明确的证据表明对阅读理解结局有影响。总的来说,证据的特点是大量的异质性和不精确性,这反映了研究内部和研究之间在干预内容、结局测量、干预剂量和对照组类型方面的广泛差异。我们讨论了当前文献的局限性,并为形态学教学领域的未来研究和实践提出了建议。(207 字 - 最多 250 字)。
