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Cultivating connections: Framing turfgrass as a thriving social–ecological–technological system
Crop Science ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-09 , DOI: 10.1002/csc2.21387 Michael R. Barnes, Joshua Friell, Bryan C. Runck, Douglas J. Soldat, Eric Watkins, Chengyan Yue
Crop Science ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-09 , DOI: 10.1002/csc2.21387 Michael R. Barnes, Joshua Friell, Bryan C. Runck, Douglas J. Soldat, Eric Watkins, Chengyan Yue
Turfgrass systems are some of the most ubiquitous forms of perennial agricultural systems. People interact with them on a daily basis, and they provide a wide variety of social and environmental benefits. Over the past two decades, turfgrass systems have been increasingly seen as coupled human‐natural systems, which has prompted new avenues of research across multiple areas from breeding to management. While this human‐natural systems framework has been helpful, the rapid development and integration of technology (e.g., smart sensors, robotic mowers) and the push for nature‐based solutions and green infrastructure have changed the landscape significantly for turfgrass systems. With this in mind, the current work advocates for the adoption of a new framework, social–ecological–technological systems (SETS), to better understand where turfgrass systems research is situated now and, more importantly, what directions it could go in the future.
草坪草系统是多年生农业系统中最普遍的形式之一。人们每天都与他们互动,他们提供了各种各样的社会和环境效益。在过去的二十年里,草坪草系统越来越被视为人类与自然耦合的系统,这推动了从育种到管理的多个领域的新研究途径。虽然这种人类-自然系统框架很有帮助,但技术(例如智能传感器、机器人割草机)的快速发展和整合以及对基于自然的解决方案和绿色基础设施的推动已经显着改变了草坪草系统的格局。考虑到这一点,目前的工作倡导采用一个新的框架,即社会-生态-技术系统 (SETS),以更好地了解草坪草系统研究现在的位置,更重要的是,它在未来可能的发展方向。
草坪草系统是多年生农业系统中最普遍的形式之一。人们每天都与他们互动,他们提供了各种各样的社会和环境效益。在过去的二十年里,草坪草系统越来越被视为人类与自然耦合的系统,这推动了从育种到管理的多个领域的新研究途径。虽然这种人类-自然系统框架很有帮助,但技术(例如智能传感器、机器人割草机)的快速发展和整合以及对基于自然的解决方案和绿色基础设施的推动已经显着改变了草坪草系统的格局。考虑到这一点,目前的工作倡导采用一个新的框架,即社会-生态-技术系统 (SETS),以更好地了解草坪草系统研究现在的位置,更重要的是,它在未来可能的发展方向。