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Raising the Arandora Star: history and afterlife of the Second World War sinking
Modern Italy ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-09 , DOI: 10.1017/mit.2024.31
Terri Colpi

Since the sinking of SS Arandora Star 84 years ago, the memory of this tragic wartime incident has been strongly held and developed within the British Italian community, moving through several phases, from oblivion to recognition and commemoration to a more recent growing awareness in a wider mnemonic community of interest. The aim of this special issue is threefold: to raise further the profile of the Arandora Star; to consolidate and secure the uncertain historical foundations of the event; and to advance the historiography by introducing new facts and perspectives and uncovering previously hidden or unknown aspects both of the past and the continuing afterlife. The six articles presented move logically through the history and stages of memory evolution and its manifestation – internment and deportation, the sinking itself, material, cultural and political aspects of the deathscape, oral histories, the multimedia ‘archive’, with finally, an embarkation listing to plug a serious knowledge gap.



自 84 年前 SS Arandora Star 沉没以来,对这一悲惨战时事件的记忆一直在英国意大利社区内牢固地持有和发展,经历了几个阶段,从遗忘到认可和纪念,再到最近在更广泛的记忆体兴趣社区中日益增长的意识。本期特刊的目标有三个:进一步提高 Arandora Star 的知名度;巩固和确保事件不确定的历史基础;并通过引入新的事实和观点并揭示过去和持续的来世以前隐藏或未知的方面来推进史学。所介绍的六篇文章逻辑地贯穿了记忆进化的历史和阶段及其表现形式——拘留和驱逐、沉没本身、死亡景观的物质、文化和政治方面、口述历史、多媒体“档案”,最后,一个登船清单以填补严重的知识空白。