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Special Education Law and Services for Pediatricians.
Pediatric Annals ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-01 , DOI: 10.3928/19382359-20240811-01
Lauren Nolte,Gabriella Paskin

Rates of developmental screening have increased, and understanding how to discuss delays with families is imperative. Knowledge of federal and state law regarding special education is needed. Families often need support to understand the complexity of early intervention and school district-based services. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act is the law that mandates services for children from birth to age 21 years who require them. Early intervention provides services for children age 0 to 3 years who have a delay or a condition with a high probability of delay. School-based services for children age 3 to 21 years provide children with disabilities with a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment. While details of the laws are state and location specific, understanding the general principles of the law is important to support children and families navigate this very complex system and receive needed support. [Pediatr Ann. 2024;53(10):e366-e371.].



发育筛查率有所提高,了解如何与家庭讨论发育延迟势在必行。需要了解有关特殊教育的联邦和州法律。家庭通常需要支持来了解早期干预和基于学区的服务的复杂性。《残疾人教育法》是一项要求为从出生到 21 岁有需要的儿童提供服务的法律。早期干预为 0 至 3 岁患有延迟或极有可能延迟的状况的儿童提供服务。面向 3 至 21 岁儿童的学校服务在限制最少的环境中为残疾儿童提供免费和适当的公共教育。虽然法律的细节因州和地点而异,但了解法律的一般原则对于支持儿童和家庭驾驭这个非常复杂的系统并获得所需的支持非常重要。[儿科年鉴 2024;53(10):e366-e371.]。