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Black Americans’ Landholdings and Economic Mobility after Emancipation: Evidence from the Census of Agriculture and Linked Records
The Journal of Economic History ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-08 , DOI: 10.1017/s0022050724000299
William J. Collins, Nicholas Holtkamp, Marianne H. Wanamaker

Large and persistent racial disparities in land-based wealth were an important legacy of the Reconstruction era. To assess how these disparities were transmitted intergenerationally, we build a dataset to observe Black households’ landholdings in 1880 alongside a sample of White households. We then link sons from all households to the 1900 census records to observe their economic and human capital outcomes. We show that Black landowners, relative to laborers, transmitted substantial intergenerational advantages to their sons, particularly in literacy and homeownership. However, such advantages were small relative to the racial gaps in measures of economic status.



土地财富中巨大而持久的种族差距是重建时代的重要遗产。为了评估这些差异是如何代际传递的,我们建立了一个数据集来观察 1880 年黑人家庭的土地持有情况以及白人家庭的样本。然后,我们将所有家庭的儿子与 1900 年的人口普查记录联系起来,以观察他们的经济和人力资本成果。我们表明,相对于劳动者,黑人土地所有者将巨大的代际优势传递给他们的儿子,尤其是在识字和房屋所有权方面。然而,相对于经济地位衡量的种族差距,这种优势是微不足道的。