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Perceptions of the present shape imagined futures: Unravelling the interplay between perceived anomie, collective future thinking and collective action in the French context
British Journal of Social Psychology ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-07 , DOI: 10.1111/bjso.12804
Octavia Ionescu, Julie Collange, Jean Louis Tavani

In four studies (Ntotal = 1832 French participants), we tested if perceiving present society as disintegrated and disregulated (i.e. perceived anomie) would foster the projection of a negative national future and feelings of collective angst; which would in turn predict increased present intentions to engage in actions aimed at defending the country. Perceived anomie was measured (Pilot Study) or manipulated (Studies 1–3). In the Pilot study, we found that perceiving high disregulation in present society was associated with the evocation of distressing national futures (e.g. war/misery), stronger collective angst and greater support for action against outgroups (e.g. closing borders). Similarly, when anomie was made salient (vs. not), participants projected more negative French futures (Study 1), believed more that the situation of France will deteriorate in the future (Study 2) and reported stronger collective angst (both studies); which in turn predicted greater support/intentions to engage in different type of defensive collective action and especially anti‐immigration actions (both studies). In Study 3, the effects were not significant despite descriptive patterns in the expected direction. Altogether, these results suggest that the way people think about the national future is shaped by their perceptions of the present and contributes to predict their current actions.



在四项研究(Ntotal = 1832 名法国参与者)中,我们测试了将当今社会视为瓦解和不受管制(即感知到的异常)是否会促进对消极国家未来的投射和集体焦虑的感觉;这反过来又会预示着当前参与旨在保卫国家的行动的意图增加。感知到的异常被测量(试点研究)或纵(研究 1-3)。在试点研究中,我们发现,感知到当今社会的高度监管与令人痛苦的国家未来(例如战争/苦难)、更强烈的集体焦虑和对针对外群体的行动(例如关闭边境)的更大支持有关。同样,当异常变得突出(与不突出)时,参与者预测法国的未来更加消极(研究 1),更相信法国的状况在未来会恶化(研究 2),并报告了更强烈的集体焦虑(两项研究);这反过来又预示着对参与不同类型的防御性集体行动,尤其是反移民行动的更大支持/意图(两项研究)。在研究 3 中,尽管在预期方向上存在描述性模式,但效果并不显著。总而言之,这些结果表明,人们思考国家未来的方式是由他们对现在的看法决定的,并有助于预测他们当前的行为。