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High Performance of the Metal Organic Framework CPO-27 for Toxic Gas Capture (NO2)
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-04 , DOI: 10.1002/ejic.202400253
Jannes Beihsner 1, 2 , Steffen Hausdorf 3 , Jens Friedrich 1, 4 , Stefan Kaskel 1, 3

Co-adsorption of NO2 and water in CPO-27 (MOF-74) homologues leads to high capacities beneficial for filter applications. CPO-27 homologues were synthesized using different methods and evaluated with respect to water stability and air filtration capacities for NO2. Samples synthesized in water at room temperature show very low stabilities. Higher synthesis temperatures lead to higher stabilities correlating with the crystallinity and composition of the samples. A wide variation of NO2 capacities was observed. All samples synthesized in water show ultra-high NO2 capacities assisted by water vapor.


用于有毒气体捕获 (NO2) 的高性能金属有机框架 CPO-27

CPO-27 (MOF-74) 同系物中 NO2 和水的共吸附导致高容量,有利于过滤器应用。使用不同的方法合成 CPO-27 同系物,并评估 NO2 的水稳定性和空气过滤能力。在室温下在水中合成的样品显示出非常低的稳定性。较高的合成温度导致与样品的结晶度和成分相关的更高稳定性。观察到 NO2 容量的变化很大。在水蒸气的辅助下,所有在水中合成的样品都显示出超高的 NO2 容量。