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Employer Demand and Desired Skills for Public Health Graduates: Evidence From Job Postings.
American Journal of Public Health ( IF 9.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-03 , DOI: 10.2105/ajph.2024.307834
Heather Krasna

Objectives. To determine whether job postings from employers seeking master of public health (MPH) graduates require skills aligning with Council on Education in Public Health (CEPH) competencies. Methods. I analyzed a data set of 70 343 job postings in the United States for MPH graduates from Lightcast, a data vendor that collects, cleans, and analyzes millions of job postings per year. I contrasted skills from the postings with CEPH competencies. Results. Most postings were from for-profit industry, academia and research, or hospitals and health care, with only 12% from government. The skills from job postings aligned well with CEPH competencies, but some CEPH competencies did not appear in the top skills in job postings. Conclusions. Although accredited public health degree programs provide key competencies demanded by employers, they can improve graduate employability by ensuring that their graduates also obtain specific technical skills listed in job postings. (Am J Public Health. 2024;114(12):1388-1393. https://doi.org/10.2105/AJPH.2024.307834).



目标。确定寻求公共卫生硕士 (MPH) 毕业生的雇主的招聘信息是否需要与公共卫生教育委员会 (CEPH) 能力相一致的技能。方法。我分析了 Lightcast 的 MPH 毕业生在美国的 70 343 个职位发布数据集,Lightcast 是一家每年收集、清理和分析数百万个职位发布的数据供应商。我将职位上的技能与 CEPH 能力进行了对比。结果。大多数帖子来自营利性行业、学术界和研究界,或医院和医疗保健,只有 12% 来自政府。招聘启事中的技能与 CEPH 能力非常一致,但一些 CEPH 能力并未出现在招聘启事的顶级技能中。结论。尽管经认可的公共卫生学位课程提供了雇主要求的关键能力,但它们可以通过确保毕业生也获得招聘信息中列出的特定技术技能来提高毕业生的就业能力。(美国公共卫生杂志,2024 年;114(12):1388-1393.https://doi.org/10.2105/AJPH.2024.307834)。