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Role of Ion Dynamics in Electron-Only Magnetic Reconnection
Geophysical Research Letters ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-03 , DOI: 10.1029/2024gl110787
Yundan Guan, Quanming Lu, San Lu, Yukang Shu, Rongsheng Wang

Standard magnetic reconnection couples with both ions and electrons on different scales. Recently, a new type of magnetic reconnection, electron-only reconnection without the coupling of ions, has been observed in various plasma environments. Standard reconnection typically has a reconnection outflow velocity of about one Alfvén speed. According to the scaling analysis, the electron outflow velocity is expected to be about one electron Alfvén speed in electron-only reconnection. However, observations and simulations both find that the electron outflows are much slower than the electron Alfvén speed. In this letter, by performing two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations, we show that this is because ions play a role in electron-only reconnection. The ions move slower than the electrons in the outflow direction, and such charge separation forms an in-plane Hall electric field, which prevents the electrons from being accelerated to the electron Alfvén speed in electron-only reconnection.