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An early parenting intervention focused on enriched parent–child interactions improves effortful control in the early years of school
Child Development ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-03 , DOI: 10.1111/cdev.14166
C. Bennett, E. M. Westrupp, S. K. Bennetts, J. Love, N. J. Hackworth, D. Berthelsen, J. M. Nicholson

This study examined long‐term mediating effects of the smalltalk parenting intervention on children's effortful control at school age (7.5 years; 2016–2018). In 2010–2012, parents (96% female) of toddlers (N = 1201; aged 12–36 months; 52% female) were randomly assigned to either: standard playgroup, smalltalk playgroup (group‐only), or smalltalk playgroup with additional home coaching (smalltalk plus). Multi‐informant data indicated that smalltalk plus had unique indirect effects on children's effortful control, through parents' capacity to ‘maintain and extend’ children's focus during joint interactions. Possible mediating pathways via parent verbal responsivity, home learning activities, and descriptive language use were not supported. When parents received a structured playgroup program with additional home coaching, sustainable benefits were evident in children's self‐regulation, assessed in the early school years.



本研究探讨了smalltalk育儿干预对学龄儿童(7.5岁;2016-2018)努力控制的长期中介效应。 2010-2012 年,幼儿(N = 1201;年龄 12-36 个月;52% 女性)的父母(96% 女性)被随机分配到:标准游戏组、smalltalk 游戏组(仅限小组)或带有额外内容的 Smalltalk 游戏组。家庭辅导(smalltalk plus)。多方数据表明,通过父母在共同互动过程中“维持和扩展”儿童注意力的能力,smalltalk plus 对儿童的努力控制具有独特的间接影响。不支持通过家长言语反应、家庭学习活动和描述性语言使用进行可能的调解途径。当父母接受结构化的游戏小组计划以及额外的家庭辅导时,在学龄早期评估的孩子的自我调节方面,可持续的好处是显而易见的。