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Late Talkers can generalise trained labels by object shape similarities, but not unfamiliar labels
Journal of Child Language ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-03 , DOI: 10.1017/s0305000924000163
Cecilia Zuniga-Montanez, Andrea Krott

Late talkers (LTs) exhibit delayed vocabulary development, which might stem from a lack of a typical word learning strategy to generalise object labels by shape, called the ‘shape bias’. We investigated whether LTs can acquire a shape bias and whether this accelerates vocabulary learning. Fourteen LTs were randomly allocated to either a shape training group (Mage = 2.76 years, 6 males), which was taught that objects similar in shape have the same name, or a control group (Mage = 2.61 years, 4 males), which was taught real words without any focus on object shape. After seven training sessions, children in the shape training group generalised trained labels by shape (d = 1.28), but not unfamiliar labels. Children in the control group extended all labels randomly. Training did not affect expressive vocabulary.



说话晚者 (LT) 表现出词汇发展迟缓,这可能是由于缺乏典型的单词学习策略来根据形状概括对象标签,称为“形状偏差”。我们研究了 LT 是否会获得形状偏差以及这是否会加速词汇学习。 14 名 LT 被随机分配到形状训练组(法师 = 2.76 岁,6 名男性)和对照组(法师 = 2.61 岁,4 名男性),该组被教导形状相似的物体具有相同的名称。教授真实的单词,而不关注物体的形状。经过七次训练后,形状训练组的孩子们通过形状概括了训练过的标签(d = 1.28),但不熟悉不熟悉的标签。对照组的孩子随机扩展所有标签。训练不会影响表达词汇。