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Spanish Validation of the Brief Pornography Screen Within a Clinical Sample of Individuals with Gambling Disorder
Archives of Sexual Behavior ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s10508-024-02986-3
Ernesto Tarragón, Giulia Testa, Roser Granero, Marc N. Potenza, Shane W. Kraus, Juan Carlos Uríszar, Carlos Chiclana Actis, Fernando Fernández-Aranda, Susana Jiménez-Murcia, Gemma Mestre-Bach

Problematic pornography use (PPU) shares characteristics with behavioral addictions, such as gambling disorder (GD), and PPU and GD may frequently co-occur. In order to fill existing gaps in screening instruments for PPU validated in GD, the study examined the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Brief Pornography Screen (BPS) within a clinical sample of individuals with GD. A total of 200 individuals seeking treatment for GD were consecutively recruited. The psychometric properties of the BPS were examined by performing confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and testing for evidence of convergent and discriminant validity. The CFA supported a one-factor solution showing high internal consistency (α = 0.81). The BPS showed convergent validity and correlated with psychological distress, general psychopathology, impulsive tendencies, and low self-directedness. The BPS demonstrated adequate psychometric properties and is therefore recommended as a brief screening tool for identifying probable PPU in individuals seeking treatment for GD.



有问题的色情使用 (PPU) 与赌博障碍 (GD) 等行为成瘾具有共同特征,并且 PPU 和 GD 可能经常同时发生。为了填补在 GD 中验证的 PPU 筛查工具的现有空白,该研究在 GD 个体的临床样本中检查了西班牙版简短色情筛查 (BPS) 的心理测量特性。共连续招募了 200 名寻求 GD 治疗的个体。通过执行验证性因子分析 (CFA) 和测试收敛效度和判别效度的证据来检查 BPS 的心理测量特性。CFA 支持显示高内部一致性 (α = 0.81) 的单因素解。BPS 显示出收敛效度,并与心理困扰、一般精神病理学、冲动倾向和低自我导向性相关。BPS 显示出足够的心理测量特性,因此被推荐作为一种简短的筛查工具,用于识别寻求 GD 治疗的个体中可能的 PPU。
